My Annual Political Rant
"Everyone who supported slavery was free. Everyone who supported abortion was born. That's how oppression works."
Dun dun dunnnnn.....that time of year approachth. Again I find myself stunned and hurt at the state of our country. Before you stop reading, this is not about healthcare, fair and flat tax, and it is not about left and right, although I am always right. This is about an issue that has become silent, so silent in fact that it is taboo to bring it up in unknown company for many fear striking a personal cord.
My political beliefs are simple. I believe what I believe because of the Bible and what the Lord has proclaimed. Whether that is labeled or not, I am conservative based on my faith. I suppose this rant was sparked by possibly the most moving speech I have ever seen. I encourage each of you to watch attentively. After I watched this I realized how callused we as a nation have become. 1.4 MILLION babies in America each year have parents who consider them a "mistake" worthy of slaughter. Let me plead my case for those who can't speak.
Heartless Argument #1: The "fetus" isn't a life and can't feel pain. Beyond the medical persepctive, note I have not begun my medical career, no one can argue against the fact that these poor babies feel pain. If these babies were simply out of the womb this is labeled murder even by the most liberal. So, they aren't important because of their current location?? This quote I read once from an Abortion Clinic nurse pained my heart, "Sometimes we lied. A girl might ask what her baby was like at a certain point in the pregnancy: Was it a baby yet? Even as early as 12 weeks a baby is totally formed, he has fingerprints, turns his head, fans his toes, feels pain. But we would say 'It's not a baby yet. It's just tissue, like a clot.'"
--Kathy Sparks
Heartless Argument # 2: They can't survive on their own. A wonderful Godly friend spoke this wonderfully. When babies are newborns in their mother's arms, they can't survive on their own either. They still rely on their mothers just as they do in the womb.
Heartless Argument #3: Perhaps the most touchy. This baby was a product of rape or incest. Simple old school terms, two wrongs don't make a right. Nothing the mother did was deserving of what happened to her, just as it is not the baby's fault that it was conceived under these circumstances.
Other heartless arguments have been spoken in the name of "Women's Rights." As a woman, and as a nation, shouldn't the rights of our children ALWAYS come first? Shouldn't we live, work, breath, and pray for the well being of our children? Shouldn't we VOTE for the well being of our children? Then do it!
Forget party politics, and I ask you. Is there an issue more important? Millions are murdered each year so that selfish women can pretend they never messed up. This country has accommodated those who have chosen to give their children life other than with their birth mother, so there are no excuses. No one's life is valued over anyone elses'. I dare you to tell me that you stand in support of "Women's Rights," and sleep well at night.
I will be casting my votes. Not for those who will pat my back, not for those who will send money my way, not for those who will preserve this earth, but for those who are strong enough to say that they DO care about our children and they will vote to protect them. If a politician doesn't care about our unborn children, can you trust your children's future in their hands?
Pray, then pray, then vote with your heart.