A while back Charlie told me he wanted to "do poop-tomers." Even with my smart two year old dialect, I had no idea. I'd just say, "ok." That seemed to appease him for a while. He was playing basketball with Charlie and Charlie says, "Let's do Poop-tomers, Daddy." Still....no....idea. Jamie, being as sharp as I am, says, "OK." They keep playing. Jamie starts doing tricks and says, "Hey, Charlie, let's play Globe Trotters." Charlie shouts, "That's what I said, POOP TOMERS!"
The name stuck. We called playing basketball "Poop-tomers." Charlie even has shorts he calls his, "Poop-tomer shorts." To make things worse, or funnier, Brady loves balls. If you say the word "Poop-tomer" he crawls to the closest ball and looks at Charlie's goal. Not sure if he thinks it's a ball or the actual game, but it is an interchangeable term at our house. Here is a video Jamie made while I wasn't home, hence the shirt on backwards :)
Click here if you can't see it.
Anyway.....funny tidbit. Hope I never forget it. The March Madness at our house has only added to the use of the term. Daddy watches lots of "Poop-tomers." Read more...
Our Fire
I am true believer than one should never forget their past. We all have had terrible memories or tradegies, but as much effort and counselling as people use to try and forget, in my mind, I think, why? We would not be the person we are today without all of those things from our past good and bad.
17 years ago my family was faced with a loss that, at that time in ours lives, had been the greatest. I grew up in an old white farm house, the same farm house that my grandfather was born in. I loved it. The rooms were small, but I loved the fact that I could jump and touch the ceiling. I had just had a weekend of sleepovers, and by chance, that was the weekend that I somehow allowed a huge Pepsi stain to cover my ceiling. Being sharp as I am, it was quickly covered by a New Kids on the Block poster. I was going to figure out how to tell mom and dad later. The mind of a child.
I remember that Tuesday afternoon well. Even 17 years later I remember riding my 4-wheeler a little slower around the farm because my grandfather was working with my Dad there, and I was a little scared. When I parked it and ran inside my house there was no denying what was happening. Smoke and fire filled our perfect little living room. I ran out of the house and screamed for my dad, then ran next door, to my Nana's house. I was so distraught I was NOT the one who called 911. There was confusion about that later. I watched from her window as my Dad ran inside the house pulling things out and using fire extinguishers. It wasn't the fire consuming my childhood memories that was so frightening. For seconds I was forced to think about my life without my Dad. Lots of details later, my Dad was in ICU with severe burns and damage to his lungs. The house was not considered a "total" lose because the structure still stood, however, everything inside was burned or had smoke and water damage.
My 4th grade classmates organized a ceremony for me and gave me lots of cool things they had brought for me. I received a letter from out State Representative in Raleigh. Our community rallied around us, and for a while I didn't really think of what was happening. My Dad was released from the hospital, and as he walked up the walkway to the house he looked at me, "Girls, now, don't be upset if you see me cry." That should be enough for you. One of the hardest things I have ever seen was my Mom and Dad walking through what used to be their life. What they worked so hard to put together for us.
Healing was hard. I am still trying. Weekly it seems I am calling my step-brother to check something to make sure I unplugged it. I have never left anything pulled up. I don't enjoy houses with fireplaces, and I cringe at the smell of smoke. My heart breaks when I hear of other families losing their homes. I had nightmares for a long time. Sometimes I still do. I remember the kids who laughed at my clothes when they were a little too big because someone has given them to me, but more importantly I also remember our friends who sent money or came and helped with our new house, or stood beside my Mom and Dad when they needed the support. We are one loved family. I hated it took that for us to see it, but we really really are blessed people.
Though my family is much different now. Both Mom and Dad have remarried, Tiff and I have homes, husbands, and children of our own, but we all have this moment in time. We all shared this loss, and we all carry the scars and memories of it. Can't really say I am "thankful" it happened. I'm not, but I am thankful for the four hearts that came through it together and because if it were made stronger and closer. Forever.
Our Oye-Oye is 21
Ed Cunningham
The Club
This is to announce that I am officially a member of my sister, Tiffany's club called......
Feel free to join. No shame, just support for stupid mothers. Read more...
Colds = Stinky Stuff
What's worse than the bottom of the tissue box?
The bottom of the tissue box and the end of the roll of toilet paper.
Boo for colds and those wimps who can't handle them.
I hate the dentist. I hate my teeth. I hate people touching teeth, including their own. That being said, this week has helped heal my phobias. On Sunday one of my back teeth broke off while I was chewing gum. After a short breakdown in church my sister told me about her dentist. I haven't been in too long because I had terrible experiences with my pediatric dentist. She consoled me and talked to into going. I finally called and they got me right in. Dr. Cook was wonderful and reasonable. The tooth is a quick fix, and there was no guilting or pressure while I was there. LOVED THEM ALL!
As luck would have it Charlie's first visit was scheduled for today with Dr. Kinlaw. He's always been a trooper about letting me brush and floss, but he is still Charlie, so I was nervous about him cooperating. To my surprise, again, the experience was awesome. He hopped right into the chair, opened HUGE, and laughed every time she sprayed the "water gun." He got a wonderful report and a new toothbrush. I was so proud. He was completely distracted the entire time by all her "tools." They were so great with him, and his nervous Mama.
One apple can truly spoil the whole bunch. I hate that I let my memories from my childhood dentist put a damper on my visit, and strike utter dread while I waited for Charlie's. We both can smile and look forward to our next visits.
Holy birthday hooplah, Batman!
Whew, heating pad on my back, lots of Tylenol in my body, but we made it. We successfully held a 3 day celebration for the coolest 3 year old I know, Pie Da Man.
On Wednesday night Charlie and I made a cake (from scratch!!) and he decorated it. Of course this was his breakfast on his birthday.
On Thursday, Charlie's big day, we ate cake for breakfast, fought down lots of bad guys, went to the park, dinnered at Moe's, shopped at Toys R Us for his gift, and hit Chucky Cheese wide open.
Friday was checkup day, and we got to see our most favorite doctor in the world, Dr. Baker! Charlie is the size of an average 4 year old, so I was impressed and relieved that a little man can grow only eating noodles, mac and cheese, liver mush, pancakes, and chicken.
Today was great. Superhero city. I loved seeing the characters. I can't go into all the great details, but I am so thankful for everyone who came and those who helped to make Charlie's party day so wonderful. I tried to help him see today just how thankful he should be, and well, he looked at me and said, "OK, I'm getting in my Pie Da Man tent now." Maybe one day.....
Only cried once. While I was driving to the party, but in my defense I was listening to one of those stinkin' country songs that remind you of just how fast time flies. I can't show all of the pictures, but feel free to visit our Family Photo Site (here). Tonight wraps up wonderful times and some perfect memories for one very, very lucky lady. Read more...