Healthy Hoarding: 1

In an effort to defend my life of hoarding, not trash mind you, but sentiments, I am starting to list the reasons as to why hoarding can be healthy.

If you know me, and all of you do because 5 people read my blog and 3 use the same driveway, you will know I am a sappy and sometimes a sensitive person. Well, recently I was having a "feel sorry for myself" afternoon. I was cleaning the office area in the house when I found my box of cards. For years....and I mean YEARS I have hoarded away special cards given to me. Those with messages that comforted me, made me laugh, or just reminded me that I am loved. I looked through them. Of course I cried. Some signatures are of those that have passed away, some are of those that have drifted away, but most are those people I talk to almost everyday. It was so nice reading those words. So, in the advice of a Sentimental Hoarder......keep those special cards because they might help you through a "feel sorry for yourself" afternoon.  :)


Night Time Laughs


Every night for the past few weeks Charlie has pretended to be Andy from the movie, Toy Story. He tells me and Jamie that, "Andy sleeps with toys." Of course we know this is a ploy to keep himself awake, but it's been working for us to let him so we do. Tonight Charlie grabs an old WebTV keyboard I have hoarded. Jamie used it forever ago when we started emailing each other and I am too sentimental to toss it. Anyway, Charlie insisted on snuggling it. We tried every stuffed animal in the room, but none would do. This is the outcome:

Then, we walked in to check on Brady. He has moved from the Pack N Play to a mattress pad beside our bed. We heard him bumping around, and when we checked on him we found that we woke up and tried to crawl to the door, but was just a little too sleepy. He fell back asleep before he made it there. Please note the Buzz Lightyear toy under his head. No, I don't usually let him sleep with so many blankets, but I grabbed the first thing I could when he fell asleep.


Taking it in stride and smiling

Finally, I think I have it. I think I can explain.

No one lives their life without struggles and stress. No one goes everyday without a frown or complaint. I know this. That's life, but what I have realized is that happiness isn't living a perfect and flawless's simply taking the hills in stride, cry some, yell some, and in the end SMILE because when you sit down and really consider, you will find, your blessings out weigh your worries 1,000 to 1.

This coming from a woman whose life isn't perfect, but still much more wonderful than she deserves.

Picture of his ugly and makeupless Mama (although still smiling) and B...taken by Charlie Ward.

"Count your blessings name them one by one, 
Count your blessings see what God hath done."


James 1:19

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."


If I weren't....

(perhaps, "If I wasn't" not sure on this one grammatically:)

Today when I was eating breakfast in our annual mother's day breakfast booth, an older lady smiled at my boys and looked right at me and wished me a "Happy Mother's Day." I started thinking as I told her, "Thank you," because I hated to say "You too." I wondered if she had children. It made me really do some deep wondering, there are so many things I would have missed if I were not a mother.

Yes, yes, I am pretty sure I would not have spider-veins and I would be able to finish a book in less than a month, but beyond that.

If I weren't a mother....

no one would cry for me when I am not close enough to feel my breath at night.
I wouldn't have pictures on the shower walls to enjoy while I showered.
I wouldn't have the ability to sleep with one leg off the bed.
my car would not be filled with Superhero battles set in the places we are passing as we drive.
my laundry would never have balls or army guys fall out when I am getting them out of the dryer.
my face would never have sticky kisses.
my teeth would never be flossed by Spiderman flossers with such force that I flinch, but smile anyway.
I would never enjoy a retold Sunday School lesson that somehow ALWAYS incorporates "bad guys" or "strange places."
I'd never know the name of the Kratt brothers
I'd never understand the words, "Aroush, mill mill, pooptomers, Go Guys game, and pill pill."


I'm such a blessed mother and wife. I am so thankful the Lord gave my heart two precious little hearts to love.

On Mother's Day and everyday, I am so thankful for the mother that God has given me. Now that I have children I am so blessed to see my boys enjoy her too. She does so much for us, and we all love her as a very important part of our lives. She never "left me out" growing up. I was a part of every plan she made and everything she did. Mom never melted down or lost it with us. She was always composed and calm. I'm not sure if I inherited that coolness, but I try to remember how she was when I am on the verge.

Happy Mother's Day Nanny and Mom....we ALL love you!


Puss in Boots

Looks like Puss in Boots to me.....


Reece Family Blog: My Little Republican

I wanted to share a post from my sister's blog. I love her and her Republican offspring :)


Bucket Head Brady

Please watch this until the end. It will make you smile.


Voting FOR my family

Today I cast my vote to protect the community my children will grow up in. I made my decision NOT based on my personal opinions, because those are fleshly and vain, but on words much greater than mine.......

Genesis 2:24

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Leviticus 18:22

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."


Star Wars Friday


Happy Birthday, Brady!

"Let's have a baby, Regina." I remember those words so clearly as I marched into Cannon Hospital in Linville one year ago. My favorite nurse hugged me when I walked in to the OB. After days of walking, waiting, and falsely thinking he was coming, that was the day when I knew I was going to meet my baby.

Last night Jamie and I went to my cousin, Matt's, baseball game at my old high school. With the game tied, and bases loaded, Matt approached the plate. We were all screaming. Suddenly, from my lap, Brady stands up and yells, "MAAAAAATTT!" It was priceless. Matt knocked in the winning run. My Baby B is a big boy.

I have to admit this week has been hard. I've been very emotional, and tried my very best to look forward to today. On Sunday, we had a family birthday bash at the park. Even though Brady hated the cake, we had so much fun. It did my mother's heart good to hear everyone talk about what a handsome little guy he has become.

This morning we celebrated with pancakes and birthday hats, and tonight we are treating him to Chic Fila and probably ice cream :)

I am well aware that Charlie's eyes are closed, unfortunately this was no accident.
It is becoming the "cool" thing to do in all of our family pictures.
My delivery is vivid in my mind. The days leading up to his arrival involved massive walking and even a trip up to Grandfather (this year we went again, we are thinking of making it annual since we have wonderful memories from that day)

I'll save the delivery details for another day, but at 7:22 pm I held the most precious screaming baby in the world. He made our family complete.

This year has brought SO much. I have tried to share it all as it happened, but there is no way I could share every smile. Last night as I rocked him to sleep, I took a few minutes longer than usual to lay him down. He is my baby. He will always be my baby. I hope he always pats my back when he's sad, let's me smell his ears and laughs, shakes his head "no" when you ask if he's your boy, laughs until he loses his breath at bathtime when Charlie runs like a wildman, he dances whenever he hears any beat, shoots any size ball or object into his tiny goal, lives his life simply to mess in the fridge when he hears it open. I know things will change. I know he will grow. I know these little things will slip away, but I will always ALWAYS remember the day when I was blessed with the sweetest little Hootie Hoot on Earth.

I love you, B. Happy, Happy Birthday!