Ball Fight

click here to see the video directly


Christmas 2012


Oh Christmas blog oh Christmas blog.....

      Every year I sit down on December 26th and breathe! This year was different. Because Sunday accompanied Christmas Eve, our Christmas was spaced out, calm, slow, and LOVELY. Saturday we were blessed to spend time with our southern-most family, Chris, Marti, and Ivy.The kids romped, we talked about football and SNL skits, and savored every moment. We don't see each other often, so I tried to really take in this time.
      On Sunday we visited my Mom's house. The kids racked up on M & M's and toys :) I have to share Charlie's line of the week. Brady ripped open the first gift of the day and Charlie narrated, "Oh no, he got pants." Followed by a very sad look. We laughed, I blushed. Thankfully, my mom is a Nanny that rolls with the punches and laughed the loudest. That night we had our Christmas program at church. I held my breath and almost cried as it began, but Charlie pulled through and did great. Brady even joined in on a few songs. It was wonderful, and it did my heart good.

That night we spent the night with my sister. The kids played, and played, and played, and played. Time together with my sister is always comfortable and nice. I was glad to be in the company of my very best friends. We laughed some, joked some, played some, and ultimately hit the hay early, all admitting our age. I drank too much coffee and lay awake saying an extra prayer for all I'd been given.


Monday started with an awesome breakfast, and baking, and game prep :) I jumped into my role as Ray Family Cheermiester, and spent the day making a "Family Feud" game in true procrastinator style. We had a special visit at Dad's that afternoon. A whole lotta cap guns were fired, but thankfully my Dad has the patience of no one I have ever seen before.


That night we all met at my Nana's, laughed, and really enjoyed each other.

    My most favorite moments were Monday night, Jamie and I had a huge campout in Charlie's floor with the boys. Santa worked on the ball tent and Scooby Castle while I listened to cheesy Christmas music and baked. The next morning two very sleepy boys had two very special smiles. We sat on the floor and exchanged perfect gifts. The boys gave me pink shampoo, fuzzy socks, and Angry Birds bubble bath. Jamie and I are getting a couch, so we were able to enjoy the small gifts that the boys wanted to give.


 Christmas lunch was spent at Jamie's parents' house. All of his brothers and sisters were there. His family is so big this doesn't happen often. The house was filled with large laughter and lots of sports talk. It was nice. We drove home slowly, enjoying the music on the radio and each other. When we got home we all took a nap, and ate leftovers. Lots and lots of playing commenced afterwards.

I know there are times I am sappy, and I know I cry too easily, but this year I truly appreciated the gifts I've been blessed with. We have all seen recently that life is much too fragile, and I know everyday I spend with those I love and those that love me back is nothing short of a perfect gift from God.


Matthew 1:21

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: 
for he shall save his people from their sins."

Click here to go directly to video


Glow Stick Golfer

Brady woke up this morning and immediately grabbed a glow stick that my Mom had given him the night before and teed up. :) You'd never know he was suffering from the flu.


A day with the flu and the web cam


Wishes from Charlie


Line of the Day

Me: "Hey guys, what's going on in there? It's kinda quiet."

Charlie: "Nufin' Mama. I'm swimming away from this terrible preacher, and Hootie's just messing wif your control panel!"

preacher=creature in Charlie language
Hootie= Brady
control panel=??????


Pre- Christmas Preparations

I. am. so. behind. There is no excuse except being a busy Mama. Thanks be to Melissa Snyder for continually stalking my blog and reminding me how behind I have become. I have several blogs started, but none to post. I thought I needed to share the great happenings getting ready for Christmas. I have of course forced yuletide excitement onto my boys, and they are slowly learning the joys of preparing for Christmas. Together we loaded up and picked a Christmas tree from friends of ours. There wasn't a tree that lived up to "Charlie Perfection" so I picked on, and after lots of ornament rearrangement and light tangling, it looked perfect. The boys placed the star together. Like always. This morning my sister, Tiffany, hosted our annual "Ray Cookie/Candy Exchange" at her new BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL home. The kids made gingerbread houses while we drank coffee and admired he smorgasbord of sweets. Charlie, after ultrahype in the car, made a rocking gingerbread house with a spikey monster that lived in it. I was so proud to say the least. It was so great to watch the kids eat till they almost puked and still have a sweet creation afterwards.

I don't get caught up in shopping and gifts. Just never have enjoyed that so much. I do, however, thank the Lord for these special times with those I love so much. I am trying to treasure each day with my loved ones. We aren't guaranteed another, so I am soaking in each precious moment, each big smile, each old story, each big tale, and every warm hug. I love my life, I love my family, and I love Christmas Preparation Hooplah that includes them all.