29 Thankfuls
Yikes y'all. I am not going to dwell on the fact that I am quickly approaching the big 3-0. Instead, I am choosing to continue a tradition that I snagged from my zombie-loving niece, Marti.
Here are 29 specific things that the Lord allowed me one more time to be thankful for....
29. An entire 365+ days without an antibiotic
28. The confidence to step on the scales without flinching...and smile even without seeing the number. Because I'm happy either way
27. Learning how to operate a carpet cleaner
26. Dinner with old friends that tell you how nice you look every. time. they. see. you.
25. Coffee and catching up on our porch swing
24. Eating Octopus....with my son
23. Call and texts from multiple loved ones when I miss a call because they all are worried about me.
22. Only 3 more years of this liberal tyranny called the "Presidency"
21. Safety and comfort despite the American hatred, because of those who serve
20. Nightly races down the hall
19. Medical answers to my CRAZY questions from my favorite med. friends.
18. Learning to make a cobbler with my Nana
17. Gaining a love for hot tea
16. Planting a garden
15. Being excited for Si night with my fella.
14. Church family
13. The grace that it has taken 29 years to gain that allows me to sit amusit belittling and cruel people, and be able to repeat Proverbs 15:1, and hold my head high
12. A pediatrician who still loads my boys up with doctor tools for their doctor kits every visit
11. Family members who understand a simple text reading, "high five"
10. Sharing a tiny piece of a pillow because he "scooted over for ya Mama."
9. Successfully extinguising a mild grease fire, and not bursting into tears because of my fire fears
8. Watching doors opened and worries healed in ways I could not have imagined
7. Seeing Brady run to the door when he hears Kota's fourwheeler.
6. Shared boxes of clothes from friends who love my boys
5. Birthday wishes from those who aren't on Facebook, but love you enough to have your name on their calender
6. 10 years of marriage......making me a better person with everyday that has passed.
5. Having a best friend that can't run out when my family goes nuts because it's in her blood too
4. Learning the meaning of "I love you either, Mama."
3. Hearing Charlie belt out an entire song at church, alone, in the front.
2. A husband who finds time every morning before he leaves to plant a kiss on me and the boys after he closes his Bible.
1. Every morning waking up with a bed loaded with boys, smiling and soaking it up because I know time passes in a blink.
It's a wonderful life....even if I am old :)
Happy Sibling Day
We are so blessed with wonderful siblings. Even though they have no choice, I am so thankful that they are a huge part of my life. I thank the Lord for them more than just today, but I wanted to share that thanks on this special day.