So much good

My dear, sweet Hootie is growing in bounds. We have recently started some work in Charlie's room replacing his flooring, so the boys have camped out in our den for the passed few days. The other night I went to check on them and Brady was out of his sleeping bag and freezing to death. I slipped him back down inside and he jumped up and said, "Mama, that sweeping bag is not so much good for me." I just smiled and banked that in my memory as one of those precious quotes. Today we had a make shift Christmas party with plates and Christmas cups. I gave the kids lemonade in their cups. After drinking until he stopped breathing Hootie says, "Oh Mama, dis is so much good for me."

Made me start thinking.....

This year has been tough. I have been faced with watching some of those closest to my heart go through physical and emotional trials. This year I have lost friendships, and seen changes in my life that I just can't believe happened. The political mess is so bleak, and I have lost faith in most all who call themselves "politicians." But,
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16

I have dwelt today on those things that I have been blessed with.  How blessed I am to call Jesus my Lord, and I know I have no hope in this world. I know that through this tribulation I have so much to rejoice in. Today I am joining with Brady, and I am going to focus on all of the many, so so many, things that are "so much good for me." The innocent words of a child really need to be heard.  I will be so thankful.

The Lord has been so much good for me. 



Longer blogs coming soon....I promise, but this is just way too cute not to share with the world. I love my big boys, and I am so proud of how much they learn. I'm thinking they are both already smarter than me and Daddy. Just don't ever share this with my third grade teacher. The fact that letters fell below the solid line might just make her hunt me down and write sentences. Enjoy.