In no particular order, here are 30 reasons why I know, try as I may, I have turned the big 3-0
30. "Hey Heath, we want to go out for your birthday this weekend." and I reply, "YES! Is Waffle House at 6 ok with you guys?"
29. I get very excited over hearing about free melanoma screenings.
28. I am tempted to hand a scantily dressed App freshman my fleece at a stop light during a March blizzard.
27. I try with all of my might to enjoy my 80's sing-a-longs, but never get a verse in without hearing, "Mama, what's a raspberry beret?"
26. I consistently check Huey Lewis' tour schedule.
25. Don't sleep in the tanning bed anymore, instead I lay there thinking of my next free melanoma screening.
24. Sleep in socks.
23. Really look forward to Monica's new tell all!
22. Carry tums
21. Text a friend, "Hey, haven't heard from you in days. Are you feeding Precious in a hole." and then receive, "No! And I am not putting on lotion either. I've been working!"
20. Can't watch Johnny and Baby without crying because their romance can never happen!
19. Can't remember if I took my medicine.
18. Get a call remindng me NOT to wear yoga pants to my surprise birthday party.
17. Scroll through the stupid links titled "Stars without Make-up" at least once a week
16. Cry like a baby when I walk on gravel without shoes
15. Pick up things with my toes to spare my back.
14. Wish every Halloween my kids would be Mario and Luigi.
15. Refer to people by saying, "Dude,....."
14. Just miss-numbered this countdown
12. (or something) DVR the music awards to throw off on stars who need to cover up, and stop making themselves plastic, and then sit in dead silent tears when King George performs.
11. Don Williams Pandora
10. Break 2 coffee cups in a week after leaving them on the top of my car...and driving away.
9. It takes one coffee and two Mtn. Dews to find out if Jack Bauer makes it another hour.
8. Want to punch the guy in front of you smoking at a concert
7. Wake up randomly singing, "Jenny from the Block"
6. You google YOLO
5. Say "Doy" and then have to explain
4. Dinner conversation is co-pays and gallbladders
3. Sleeping on the couch is a back nightmare
2. Hate selfies
1. Take a superfab family beach photo and circulate it, only to notice 6 months later that you forgot to zip your dress

I do love 30, but I love all of those awesome people in my 30 years who have made me feel so blessed. How can I be sad?? I love my life, even on the rough days ;)