Another Blessed Beginning
If you know me at all, then you will know how wonderfully thankful I am to be able to post the news of another arrival. On Friday the 13th (of August) I had a bubble in my heart, and I just knew that I was pregnant. I snuck away from the boys, but of course Charlie ended up in the bathroom sitting on his stool while I waited. There it was, that vague pink line I had waited on. Of course Charlie wanted to see. I slipped the plastic lid on and handed it to him. "Go take this to Daddy." Like a bullet, he shot of of the bathroom and threw it Jamie's way. When Jamie saw it he was speechless, but what was there to say? We were both so utterly flooded by God's goodness that we had nothing to say but embrace. With Charlie in the middle I realized, it doesn't get better than this. Weeks went by and I became a little sick. With my little sister, Casey's help answering the phone or watching Charlie while I lost my breakfast, I was able to keep the news hidden. The thing Jamie and I knew immediately was this was something we needed to keep to ourselves for a while. As crazy as so many people have told us that is, we needed that. Slowly I began to leak the news to immediate family. As with Charlie, no one seemed as excited as I'd thought, only because no one could ever be as happy as Jamie and I. Last week we were thankful to have been able to have our first ultrasound. The tiny beats that began to echo through the examine room caused me to freeze. My heart welled up and then the tears came. I wiped them away quickly, not to upset Charlie, but I saw right away Jamie's were falling just as quickly. There we were, our family of 4. No place on Earth held the love that this room was filled with.
A perfect report followed as well as a wonderful visit with my Mid-Wife, Heather Jordan. She hugged me tighter than anyone when we found the heartbeat again in her office. She's been down the road with us and experienced the bumps as well as our high spots. Our blessing is due April 24th. Here I am, watching my little Charlie sleep thinking, Can I take care of two? How will I do the laundry? Will I ever get groceries? But I stop, Who cares?! I know this little child inside of me will have the love of many. Who needs anything more? These are the best days of my life. Nothing short of the Lord's grace has gotten me this far. I can't wait to see what each new day in our lives will bring! (almost) 11 weeks and counting!
I'm so happy for you guys!