Taking over the world

Charlie: "Come on, Mama, let's hide behind the curtain."

(crouching behind the curtains and whispering)

Me: "Charlie, what are we doing?"

Charlie: "I'm not Charlie, I'm a bad guy."

Me: "OK, Bad Guy, what are we doing?"

Charlie: "Shhh, we are taking over the world."


Whistles and Giggles

So B can whistle. We found out a couple weeks ago. After he whistles he cracks himself up. He is seriously a ham. Hope you enjoy :)

Click here if you can't see the video


Wordless Wednesday


Glimpse of Christmas

Here's a little glimpse......much more to come when all of the chaos that I call home is cleaned up :)



For those of you wondering, no, Brady did not sleep with them


4 Days til Christmas!

In honor of....well....myself and those of like hearts, here are my very favorite quotes about procrastinators:

"Procrastinators: Leaders of tomorrow"

"Procrastination gives you something to look forward to."

"After all is said and done, more is said than done."

"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after." 

"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done." 

And my personal favorite...

"Early bird gets the worm, but the second worm gets to live." 

(almost, but don't panic because there are still 4 days left to prepare) 

Those of you who know Mrs. Michele Shepherd, please don't tell her about this blog. She will be calling and asking to talk to me in her office, and I just can't handle that stress right now :) 


Soapbox #1


Warm my heart

As a mother of two very precious young guys, I have been so blessed everyday to see little things, wonderful little things, that make me smile, cry, and plain out warm my heart.

Charlie came in my room the other night, and, because we live with Jamie Ward, our house was anything but toasty warm. As long as I remember in my life I have always rubbed my feet on the sheets to warm them up as I fall asleep. I was doing that, and I realized that there were two little block feet doing the same thing right beside me.

In church on Wednesday night Charlie was tieing his Spiderman up with a small string of Christmas beads, and when he saw a tear on my cheek, he dropped what he was doing he jumped up on the pew and wiped his little finger across my cheek, smiled, and then returned to his Spiderman.

I usually have vague memories of late night feedings, I usually wake up and feed Brady and lay him down and fall asleep in a zombie-like state. Some nights, however, things happen that make me lay awake long after B is asleep. Last week, Brady ate and drifted asleep. As I stood over his bed and started to lay him down his chubby little fingers grabbed onto my shirt, so I laid back down and cuddled him. He reached over and started to pat my cheek. Eyes closed and all snuggled up with his blanket.

I'll admit, I am on a covert mission to utterly brainwash my boys into believing they will never need to get married, or date, and basically not grow up at all. I've been telling Charlie that I am his number one girl. The other day when my mom was leaving she said, "Charlie, are you my boy?" He usually responds quickly with, "Yes!" But for whatever reason, he looked up and said, "No, I'm Mama's boy. She's my number one gurwol."

They are wild and crazy, but still so sweet.
I can't believe my life has lead me here. I am so thankful, so very very thankful for these moments and thousands of other moments that warm my heart.



"In the eyes of children we find the joy of Christmas. In their hearts we find its meaning.”


Holiday Humor


The-the GRINCH!

Charlie isn't quite ready for Jim Carrey, but Marissa and I can still enjoy his humor. Here is a festive, kinda.....video for your day.

click here for the video if you can't see it


Wordless Wednesday


Our first snow...

I noticed I have been posting a lot of blogs with just videos or pictures. Well, here goes again. I promise to start sitting down and writing updates instead of posting them in pictures. This week was the first snow of the season, and it was Brady's very first of all time. Jamie had a snowman made on the trunk of the car in no time. It was just a glimpse of the fun we will have this year. I can't wait. Bring on the snow! By the way. There aren't many pictures of Charlie man because he was not interested in having anything to do with the camera while it was snowing. Can't blame him.



Somehow I seem to have lost the ability to think ahead. Last year I ordered stockings with Dad, Mom, and Charlie's names on them. Why? because I am stupid and forgot I would need another one this year.

But.....lucky for the boys I am absent-minded because the story has a much better ending.
My cousin, Katy, makes the, hands down, cutest crafty clothing I have ever seen. She does appliqued items. I found a neat picture of some stockings I had seen, sent it to her, and in no time I was holding the most precious stockings I could have imagined. Especially since I have no crafty talents, I was crying. If you know me, literally had mascara running down the cheeks. These were perfect and priceless. Growing up I had a handmade stocking cross-stitched by my aunt. I still have it, and I treasure it. I know that my boys will do the same.

Thank you, Katy, we love them (and you) !!

Be sure to visit her page :)



Where were the tears? When will the brawl begin? That’s what I was asking myself after decorating the house and tree with my boys. I thought this only because Christmas decorations at my house growing up only meant one thing….a fight. My sister and I organize differently ( in my case not so much at all) and we have opposite styles. Anyway, we still get good laughs out of the memories.
I had hoped to be able to get a tree from one of my oldest friends at her new house, but schedules and golf trips interfered, so we went to a co-worker of Jamie’s to get the tree. It was cold, kinda snowy, and PERFECT. I hoped Jamie would “Clark Griswold-it” and dig it up, but our friend just cut it for us. Brady smiled, and Charlie was SO excited. He did a great job hanging ornaments, and then the star. I swelled with pride as I watched his little fingers hang every one just the way he wanted them to look. He worked with lots of balance from his bathroom stool. Brady did his usual, watched with big eyes and smiled from ear to ear. The past couple days have consisted of serious role play with my ceramic Santas. Each of the boys have a tiny tree with a cheesy Christmas book and stuffed animal display in their rooms. Fun for me I guess.

The other night Charlie and Jamie were snuggled on the couch, and B and I in the chair. We were watching Rudolph and listening to Charlie explain all of the things the "Snow Monster" could fight down. The tree was glowing, ornaments were occasionally falling, and we were together. I never really thought about where I wanted to be in life when I was 27, but now I don't have to, I know. I want to be right here in our messy little house living this perfect little life.


Funny Samurai

click here for video


My boys

Sorry for the cell photo quality, but you get the point


My favorite band

click here if you can't see the video.


Giving Thanks

Be thankful for the little things, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.....

Happy Thanksgiving ;)


Sick Brady...kinda

He's already learning to be sneaky.

Click here if you can't see the video: http://youtu.be/AuEWZ_B3GDM


Are you alive?

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”


I read this the other day, and it really struck my heart. I get SO tired of hearing so many people around me complain about everything that isn't perfect in their lives. (yes, I've been guilty once or twice) To truly live and love doing it, you have to stop and completely see all of your blessings. This Thanksgiving, I am striving to live by one of my most favorite verses: "In whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11

I ask you this week. Do you treasure your gifts in life enough to truly say you are living?

My treasures



 You can tell a lot about a man......by how he wears his boots  :)

(if you know my Charlie, this makes perfect sense)


Brady is 6 Months Old

Last week we made the trek to our favorite office, Dr. Baker's. Brady is still way above on the charts. He weighed 23 pounds and was 27 inches long. The shots were a little sadder this time, but he's still a trooper. Charlie walked out with lots of cool stickers and even cooler doctor tools, Brady got some rockin' band-aids, Mama got some snot on her shirt, and Daddy just left with a smile. That's how it goes around here. Let me end by saying. Love our nurses, love our doctor, and so so thankful for healthy boys ;)


Sleepy Heads

I'm a sucker for sleepy heads......