Where were the tears? When will the brawl begin? That’s what I was asking myself after decorating the house and tree with my boys. I thought this only because Christmas decorations at my house growing up only meant one thing….a fight.
My sister and I organize differently ( in my case not so much at all) and we have opposite styles. Anyway, we still get good laughs out of the memories.

I had hoped to be able to get a tree from one of my oldest friends at her new house, but schedules and golf trips interfered, so we went to a co-worker of Jamie’s to get the tree. It was cold, kinda snowy, and PERFECT. I hoped Jamie would “Clark Griswold-it” and dig it up, but our friend just cut it for us. Brady smiled, and Charlie was SO excited. He did a great job hanging ornaments, and then the star. I swelled with pride as I watched his little fingers hang every one just the way he wanted them to look. He worked with lots of balance from his bathroom stool. Brady did his usual, watched with big eyes and smiled from ear to ear. The past couple days have consisted of serious role play with my ceramic Santas. Each of the boys have a tiny tree with a cheesy Christmas book and stuffed animal display in their rooms. Fun for me I guess.

The other night Charlie and Jamie were snuggled on the couch, and B and I in the chair. We were watching Rudolph and listening to Charlie explain all of the things the "Snow Monster" could fight down. The tree was glowing, ornaments were occasionally falling, and we were together. I never really thought about where I wanted to be in life when I was 27, but now I don't have to, I know. I want to be right here in our messy little house living this perfect little life.