I remember....

This morning was filled with the typical hustle of our house as we rushed out the door for Brady's doctor's checkup. After my morning prayer, I managed to throw the boys clothes on that I'd found last night. Red, white, and blue to honor today. After the wonderful and healthy checkup we came home. So, today, I woke up in a comfortable, albeit messy house, and was able to pray comfortably, I made breakfast after having to take time to choose from a well shocked cabinet, I loaded up our car that is proudly sporting my conservative sticker, and we drove to the doctor of my choice with my family. I arrived home safely. In the events of my simple life this morning, I was able to realize:

I've never been forced to leave the place I call home.

I've never worshiped in fear.

I've never worried that my children can't have values instilled in their hearts without persecution. 

I've never gone hungry, or faced children and explained why there wasn't enough food. 

I've never lived under a government that would arrest me for speaking my ideals.

I've never traveled in fear of those who hate our lives and our freedoms.

I've never worried what would happen if my family became sick and needed help.



Thank you to all who have served, and thank you to all who gave the greatest sacrifice.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States when men were free." -- Ronald Reagan


Happy Birthday, Buddy

This week marked a special occasion. Charlie's best bud turned 6. I 
won't lay blame for Charlie's wrestling moves, but...he has taught him some tricks. I am so thankful for that little man, and no matter how old he gets he will always be my little Grantster Reece.




   Very early the other morning I was in the bed finishing nursing Brady. Charlie slowly made his way down the hall on his usual morning trek to our bed. He drug his blue tag blanket along with his oversized pillow pet into our bedroom. I juggled Brady and hoisted Charlie and his belongings onto the pillow beside me, then, using my multitasking skills at their very best, I changed Brady from head to toe, changed my shirt, pillowcase, then tossed a towel over the mystery wet spot on my once spring fresh sheets. I layed B down beside Charlie for mere seconds to complete these tasks, but when I reached to put him back into the Pack-and-Play Charlie, without opening an eye, said, "No, Mama!" and reached his chubby arm around Brady. I watched with hands ready to rescue him, only to see the sweetest sight a mother could ever witness. Charlie, still with eyes closed, kisses Brady and then snuggles his face into his neck. I couldn't resist waking Jamie. Together, all squeezed into thismessy queen bed splattered with strange baby stains and unmatched pillow cases, I was able to feel a true moment of love. As we sang last night at church, I couldn't help but know the song was meant for me. "Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings see what God hath done." So with Charlie fast asleep I slipped Brady into his bed, and fell asleep that morning counting my blessings.

Somehow they both had time after the flash to throw up a hateful look and an equally hateful hand.


Posting Issues

OK, guys. I published a post yesterday about Brady's birth, however, it isn't showing up on my blog and some of you didn't receive an email about it. I'm working on fixing it. Just wanted to let you know, I seriously have no clue how this thing works yet :)


10 days

10 days ago our family welcomed a wonderful blessing. At 7:22 pm Brady Cleve joined our family. With my sister Tiffany and Jamie there with me, a perfect day was complete.

Nice hair thanks to my sister. Obviously this was before things broke bad :)
In short, I was in labor from about 8:30 am until 7:22 pm on Monday the 2nd. The labor was TERRIBLE, but only because I tried it naturally before realizing I was not superwoman. I have to say I never imagined the amount of support I would have had. Jamie never let go of my hand, even when I was a ridiculous out of control crying mess. He was the support I needed. My sister, in true fashion, kept everything completely calm and under control even when I knew things were getting a little rough for everyone else in the room, she never acted like things were worsening. I love them both and loved that they were by my side during this time.

As always, the Cannon Memorial Birthing staff was WONDERFUL. I had two of the sweetest nurses with me all day, and they ended up staying late on their shift to help with the arrival. Not only that, but the awesome night nurses joined in too. I have 3 nurses and my Mid Wife all pitching in. 

When our little guy arrived it was sweeter than I remembered. This moment was worth the wait. I couldn't speak even when I looked at Jamie, I just couldn't. He was perfect, our family was perfect, I was blessed.

Charlie was the very first one to meet Brady. He was a little sad to leave the fun in the waiting room, but he immediately seemed to fall in love. He knew right away all of the special things we'd been telling him for those long months were true. Nothing feels better than watching my boys meet their best friend for the first time.

Life at home is busy, but I'd have to say I have it made. We don't rest a lot, but we sure are having a great time. Jamie was able to stay home for the first week, and I know that is why things are so smooth. I can say boastfully, that Jamie and I make an impeccable team. I know we'll have our work cut out for us for, say, the next 40 years, but I am glad I have him on my team.

Bring on the fights, the bruises, the muddy messes, the baseball games, the broken windows. Bring on the journey. THESE truly are the best days of my life.


Meet our baby Brady


He has arrived...

Hey guys! Heather's friend Marti here with some exciting news!!!

Brady Cleve Ward has finally arrived! He was born yesterday, May 2, 2011 @ 7:22pm. He took his sweet little time but arrived healthy and was embraced by two very happy parents and a curious big brother. From what I've been told Charlie just wants to take off his hat and play with him. :)

Here are his stats:

8 pounds 9 ounces
21 1/4 inches long


Jamie, Heather, Charlie, and Brady are all doing well and hope to be home this evening. 




Brady's Almost Here

Tonight we listened to our Brady for the last time in my belly....

it truly doesn't get better than this.