Very early the other morning I was in the bed finishing nursing Brady. Charlie slowly made his way down the hall on his usual morning trek to our bed. He drug his blue tag blanket along with his oversized pillow pet into our bedroom. I juggled Brady and hoisted Charlie and his belongings onto the pillow beside me, then, using my multitasking skills at their very best, I changed Brady from head to toe, changed my shirt, pillowcase, then tossed a towel over the mystery wet spot on my once spring fresh sheets. I layed B down beside Charlie for mere seconds to complete these tasks, but when I reached to put him back into the Pack-and-Play Charlie, without opening an eye, said, "No, Mama!" and reached his chubby arm around Brady. I watched with hands ready to rescue him, only to see the sweetest sight a mother could ever witness. Charlie, still with eyes closed, kisses Brady and then snuggles his face into his neck. I couldn't resist waking Jamie. Together, all squeezed into thismessy queen bed splattered with strange baby stains and unmatched pillow cases, I was able to feel a true moment of love. As we sang last night at church, I couldn't help but know the song was meant for me. "Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings see what God hath done." So with Charlie fast asleep I slipped Brady into his bed, and fell asleep that morning counting my blessings.
Somehow they both had time after the flash to throw up a hateful look and an equally hateful hand. |