So.....the adventure continues. After a streak of not such good luck with our tadpole experiment (a special thanks to Marissa for trying to help save them) Uncle Dave came to the rescue. For the last few days the newest wildlife to grace Charlie's bedroom was "Turdul." No name because Charlie just argued that he was "Turdul." Charlie's Uncle Dave sacrificed his jog on the Greenway to bring us "Turdul." After a crash course in feeding him and the need for handwashing, Charlie and I took "Turdul" home with his perfectly constructed habitat.
I was worried he wouldn't eat, so I kept his fresh veggies fresh, and his water clean. Well, he didn't eat. Believe it or not, he wouldn't even try the army men, sticky Popsicle wrapper, or Cheese-its given to him. After three days I faced the inevitable....he needed to be freed. For all of you PETA nuts (which I am pretty sure don't read my blogs anyway) I sat Charlie on my lap and prepared him.
We labeled him with a pink "C" in flashy fingernail polish, took him outside, and........well, honestly we got sick of starring at him so we just left him in the grass. Hopefully "Turdul" is happy sporting his watermelon pink "C." More critters to come. Maybe the new critter will eat!
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I'm pretty sure that turtle is a girl so the pink is okay...that being said I had a pet turtle that my Papa gave me when I turned 1. It came from the pond in front of our house. He lived in a JUMBO ash tray and had his own collection of oyster shells. His name was Oscar and I had him until I was 8 years old. The stupid guy would only eat crushed dog food. I'm totally not joking about that. Obviously you should have called me and I could have given you this precious information.
How did I forget to call you? Though I think you are lying, it still would have made for an interesting conversation.
I'm sooooo not lying! Call my Mom, she'll verify it.