Charlie's Friends
I'd like to take a minute to introduce you to some very important, but often unnoticed members of our family. I've added a brief explanation so that everyone will understand.
This is "Tad" otherwise known as, "Tag" by some unknowing adults. "Tad" is present every nap, every night, every trip to Dr. Baker's and certainly every early morning in the car. The blanket itself is useless, only the "Tad" is part of the family. I can't count the endless nights I have been summoned to Charlie's room to find "Tad" lost in the covers.
Here we have Rudy, named from the movie Ice Age
III. A bit scary at times, but always the toughest dinosaur/animal in the basket. He brushes his teeth, and thanks to Rudy's wonderful hygiene habits, so does Charlie.
The newest member is the swift swimming, Goldie. Once this humble bowl held four Goldies, but now only one. Goldie is so loved that nothing adorns his bowl but the very best gravel hand picked from the driveway.
My very favorite friend in Charlie's room is Busterd. Yes, with a "d." He's been drug and thrown about every place imaginable, but still seems to find his way into my room every morning with "Tad." Busterd has a permanent boo boo on his foot from a horrible run in with a Sharpie :(
Dun dun duuuuunnnnn.....the Super Heroes. Thanks to Grant, Nanny, and Ebay we have a fierce trio: Pie-Da-Man, The Boobie Man, and Batman/Pooperman (depends on the day) Pie-Da-Man wrecks everything neat and organized he finds in his tracks, The Boobie Man can "fight all the bad guys down," and Batman/Pooperman, well he can soar from unimagined heights. Nothing is too dangerous for him.
Watch out, this is Bad Guy, he fights and shoots anything in his path, especially Mom after she has scolded Charlie and then isn't looking.
Our house is full of characters, that is for sure. With two little boys in my house, I am sure I will have several updates to our household cast soon. Stay tuned.......