Giving Thanks
Sick Brady...kinda
He's already learning to be sneaky.
Click here if you can't see the video:
Are you alive?
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
I read this the other day, and it really struck my heart. I get SO tired of hearing so many people around me complain about everything that isn't perfect in their lives. (yes, I've been guilty once or twice) To truly live and love doing it, you have to stop and completely see all of your blessings. This Thanksgiving, I am striving to live by one of my most favorite verses: "In whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11
I ask you this week. Do you treasure your gifts in life enough to truly say you are living?
My treasures |
Brady is 6 Months Old
Last week we made the trek to our favorite office, Dr. Baker's. Brady is still way above on the charts. He weighed 23 pounds and was 27 inches long. The shots were a little sadder this time, but he's still a trooper. Charlie walked out with lots of cool stickers and even cooler doctor tools, Brady got some rockin' band-aids, Mama got some snot on her shirt, and Daddy just left with a smile. That's how it goes around here. Let me end by saying. Love our nurses, love our doctor, and so so thankful for healthy boys ;)
I miss Jack!
OK, it's serious now. After watching all the crap on TV, and I mean C.R.A.P.....
Not only Jack Bauer but, CTU and their moles, Chloe's sarcasm, and Tony Almeda (both the good and bad one) I teared up after watching the "Bank of America" commercials with Keifer's voice. So, that being said, here are some jokes to make you smile. If you are not a 24 fan, then you are probably a loser. I'm kidding of course, but you really should watch it.
- There have been NO terror attacks in the USA since Kiefer Sutherland changed his name to Jack Bauer.
- Jack Bauer once stepped into quicksand. The quicksand couldn't escape and nearly drowned.
- Jack can strangle you with a cordless phone.
- Jack Bauer was once charged with attempted murder in Los Angeles County, but the judge dropped all charges because Jack Bauer never "attempts" murder.
- Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. Jack Bauer see the glass as a deadly weapon.
- Jack Bauer once showed up late for work. CTU adjusted their clocks accordingly.
- If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he'd shoot Nina twice.
- The 2007 budget for the US Military covers Jack Bauer, two pistols and four billion rounds of ammunition.
- If Jack Bauer's gun jams, it's because he wanted to beat you with it.
and the funniest ever....... - Jack Bauer doesn't have a firewall on his PC. He has a Bauerwall. It's basically just a JPEG of Jack Bauer. No virus has ever attacked Jack Bauer's PC. Ever.
Our Liberators

As I filled out my annual Veteran's day cards for those few Veterans close to me, my hand shook a couple times. I got teary. Honestly. I am not "Pro War." I am a "war is never good, but sometimes necessary." Veterans day, to me, isn't a debate of war, right or wrong, left or right, liberal or conservative. It doesn't matter. Each and every one of us owes more than we can repay to each and every individual who went into war to ensure the freedoms my children are graced with. I can't possibly begin to imagine the sacrifices these veterans have given, I can't imagine the sacrifices that the families of these veterans have given. It's so easy to forget that liberty isn't an absolute. It isn't a guarantee. It's a gift. Thank you is so small, useless to these hearts scarred by war. Still, it seems it is all I can ever say.
Thank you to all of the men and women, from all of the generations. You are the reason I am able to raise my children with the values of my choice. You have made this country the greatest in the world.
My favorite presidential quote of all time:
Ronald Reagan
We celebrate with a Republican Partay :)
Today is a festive day, Veterans Day, 11/11/11 and...... little brother, Dakota's, birthday. He's younger, but not so much littler. I don't know of many brothers quite like him. He's the one who comes to my aid during all of the ridiculous crises that seem to befall me :) He's pumped up my tire....several times, dug out my four-wheeler (NOT in mud mind you), shoveled off my steps, let me borrow countless things, put up with my sports trash talk when I know nothing about what I am talking about, and best of all, jumps into my political rants with excitement. I love it! I know I truly do drive him crazy, but he would never let me know. I am so thankful for him, and my boys love him just as much. I am proud of how responsible and mature he is. Today we will pig out of Mexican food and hopefully bash liberals together. Now THAT is a party :)
Elf Yourself
It's a tradition. Hope the link works. Enjoy :)
A mom thing....
You know it's been a day when you find yourself halfway down the hall with a bottle of disinfectant spray and a papertowel when you forget where you were going.
And you never remember.........until.........20 minutes later......
Love it :)
Happy Birthday, James Bond!
(side note: this is my 100th post)
My very oldest and dearest friend walked up to me once when Jamie and I started dating, and in her own crazy way said, "Hey, how are things with James Bond?" Took me a minute, but I cracked up. From that day on she never called him Jamie, just James Bond.
Here's to my precious James Bond. He isn't a deadly trained government agent, but he certainly is a great match for me. Today is my Jamie's birthday. Charlie and I baked him a broken crusted pumpkin pie, and gave him a watch (surprise already spoiled by Charlie weeks ago) and a calendar of the boys. We all four pigged out at Outback tonight (yes, Brady too, just in his own special way) Like every celebration, I made sure I stopped tonight to send thanks to the Lord for blessing our family another year with a wonderful man. One day, when the sweepstakes comes knocking, I will be able to whisk him away to the golf trip of his life, but until then he will have to settle for pumpkin pies with fingerprints and birthday cards that read, "You're Turning 4," just because Charlie liked the heroes on the front.
I know Jamie doesn't like his birthday too much, but I do. It is a day worth celebrating the man that makes me complete.