Timeless Tuesday
Today, for some reason, I thought of this picture. This is one of my very best friends, Jesse, and me (or I not sure which). We were Juniors in High School and way funnier than anyone else there. People actually called us "Heather/Jesse" because we were together so much. She's prettier, but I have the personality :) That's what I tell myself at least.
Anyway....this picture was pasted on a block in the crafts room at Watauga High School and decorated with our names. I couldn't wait for my kids to see it one day and realize just how great I am, but......the stupid county decided to build a new school and I am guessing this was left behind. Maybe I will see it again, but until then. Enjoy.....
Love you, Jesse :)
Pray for our little ones
Also encourage you to watch this video. Just click here.
Felt a bit of this the other day. I'm not old, I know, but it appears I am not young anymore either. I do live in a college town. Let this be a warning, if you come to Food Lion in Deep Gap.....BE STINKIN' NICE.
Good grief.
Marti Ward, watch this movie or you can't be my friend anymore. Read more...
Fighting grocery crime
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This is my favorite. Nana just sat with him on the bench and never acted like anything was odd. She even referred to him as "Robin." Ha ha ha. |
Super Glued Boogers
This story was funny, I guess, but I thought it was really odd and I never really stopped to think about what a humorous coincidence it was. Here goes.
The other afternoon at my Nana's house my sister, Tiffany, caught Charlie picking his nose. Casually she said, "You better not do that, Charlie, your boogers might bite you." He stared at her and started to well up with tears, so I jumped and explained that she was just joking. Charlie just and ran off (typical Charlie). About 15 minutes later I was getting ready to leave when Charlie came running in the kitchen having a serious meltdown. My niece, Kendall, was right on his heels. She was quick to inform us that he was playing with a bottle of SuperGlue. I heard it but was trying to calm him down, so I wasn't really listening to the whole story. In the bathroom, I finally deciphered what he was telling me and realized his "boogies hurt." I washed his nose off with a warm towel because we are still having trouble with the "blow out not suck in" thing. He wanted me to wipe his finger off, so we did, but he kept crying. "It bit my fingerrrrrr!" It hit me. He had gotten SuperGlue on his finger, then picked his nose. When it dried he thought the boogers had left a bite on the end of his finger and were still hurting his nose. Well, one would think I would have realized how funny this was, but after seeing my Nana about to lose it looking for the SuperGlue lid, and hearing my sister's horse laugh even louder than Charlie's cries, I didn't crack a smile. It wasn't until I got home and assessed the booger situation that I realized Dr. Baker would not need a night call. All of the glue reminants were external.
So, Charlie has a bit of glue crusted above his lip because he freaks if I touch it, but the "bite" wound on his finger washed away quite nicely in the bath. In the words of one of my wisest friends, "Hey, we can't all be mother of the year."
My blog site is under some very slow reconstruction.
Overlook the tacky layouts for a while :)
Photo Site
Not sure how this will work out for me, but I have started a Shutterfly Photo page. (Mainly to get free prints, but they don't know that) I have very few pictures on there, but I hope to upload more soon. Most of the pictures have been blogged about, but some might be new. :)
Here's the link, enjoy.
Romans 10:13
(note: the quality is not the best because I was hiding the camera, with Charlie I must be tricky) Here is Charlie's verse for our Christmas program. He didn't say it on Christmas, no surprise, but he knows it for sure.
This is a special verse, but today it is just a little bit sweeter. Read more...
Crockpots, Mrs. Romney, and Lactation
I pose a question today. How do you know the caliber of a friendship? I've been thinking about that lately. I have always considered myself an easy person to get to know. I have quite a few acquaintances, but I have recently come to the conclusion that I have few, very few, people I would consider a "friend." Advice that has stuck with me came from my Daddy. "The world is full of fair-weather friends." I kind of let it go in one ear and out the other when he said it, but I have come to realize in my older (ha ha) age how true that is. Well, while laying in bed, kind of in bed, but mostly hanging off the bed while the boys slept on my pillow, I did some thinking.
Yesterday I had about an hour of the most refreshing and high quality therapy. I met at the Parkway Diner right near my house with my oldest friend, Lana. We don't see each others' face often, but there is no moment, day or night, I would hesitate calling her. We have experienced the rollercoaster of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood together. I heard once, "Childhood is what you spend your whole life trying to overcome." Well, that is true, and Lana and I have been doing that for over a decade together. We take turns unloading, for lack of better terms, crazy drama, on each other. She laughs, I laugh, and we realize that nothing can shock the other. I can't even count the nights I called crying, and loving to hear, "Heather, it's ok. Crazy is not hereditary. Things will be ok."
Lana is a successful OB/RN, and thank goodness for that. Although I never completely convinced her to check my cervix when I was 200 days late with my babies, she still was always there to answer crazy and ridiculous questions.
"No, Heather, women have never carried their babies for an entire year."
"Yes, eggnog is ok when you nurse."
"No, I don't think Charlie has the swine flu."
"No, 98 is not considered a fever."
"I doubt nightmares will negatively affect your baby's development."
"Yes, if you are unconscious I will go to the ER and make sure Brady still nurses."
You know, junk like that. Anyway. Last night I realized that there is NO ONE, I mean NO ONE that would sit at a table with me and, in one single thought, talk about how fake Mitt Romney is, but how gorgeous his wife is, then spout off the recipe for the best Mexican Crockpot Chicken, and then comfort my crazy "dieing while lactating" fears. I loved every minute.
Lana helped me grow up. I am who I am so much because of her. I spent more nights at her house sometimes than mine, and my Mom and Dad considered her a daughter. I could list the memories, but I would miss a million.
A new year is here. As always, I am left shocked at just how quickly it passed. Every January 1st I go through the same film from the last year in my mind, get a little bummed about lost time, resupply my age-defying make-up, and then take a deep breath and count my blessings. I don't believe in resolutions. Everyday is a new beginning and offers a chance for change, but, as usual, I've fallen into tradition. My resolution this year comes from 1 Samuel 12,
"Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the LORD will do before your eyes"
I will love the small moments, I will take the time to realize treasures here fade, those in Heaven are eternal, I will laugh louder, hug harder, watch more, speak less.
Here is a quick glimpse of a wonderful and truly blessed 2011. "I couldn't ask for more, wouldn't settle for less..."
Christmas Recap.
Whew! It is the most wonderful time of the year, luckily it is just once a year because I have been lagging behind the past week trying to recoup. We had a blast! On the night before Christmas Eve Jamie decided to give me my gift. I realized after opening it why. It was a new camera!!! Watch out. Many, many pictures coming. I love it, and I love him.
On Christmas Eve we went to Mom's for breakfast. The boys racked up.
Charlie instantly became Capt. America, and Brady was one sweet fella. Their new hats are just too much. We stopped by my sister's and had some superhero dress-up.
Then, we packed the treasures in the car and from there home for a quick rest, then to Dad's.
Charlie got some sweet educational things and Brady a rocking train.
After that we went to my Nana's. Here I was the "Cheermeister,"
and thanks to Marissa I had the perfect Grinch/Who/Jim Carey hat. We played a celeb look-a-like game (details to come in a later post)
The boys were tired, but we had a blast. Charlie fell asleep before we read The Night Before Christmas or left Santa cookies. Santa brought Charlie a Bat castle and B got a little dragon car. Notice the PRECIOUS sleepy hair. I wouldn't brush it for a million dollars.
We went to church and Charlie made good effort, I guess, in the Christmas program. It was a great program anyway.
From here we went to Jamie's parent's house. We had lunch and the boys opened more goodies. Charlie turned the kitchen into a racetrack,
and his laughs cracked me up. After this we went home, rested, and opened at home. Jamie took Charlie shopping for me, so I got gifts actually picked out by him. They were great! We all sat in the floor lit by the tree in our PJ's, we threw paper and bows, and Jamie and I exchanged winks and smiles after almost ever gift. I am so thankful we were able to make these special memories together.
I was reminded just how blessed we are to have so many people who love our boys so much. Not as much as their #1 Girl aka Mama.