Super Glued Boogers

This story was funny, I guess, but I thought it was really odd and I never really stopped to think about what a humorous coincidence it was. Here goes.

The other afternoon at my Nana's house my sister, Tiffany, caught Charlie picking his nose. Casually she said, "You better not do that, Charlie, your boogers might bite you." He stared at her and started to well up with tears, so I jumped and explained that she was just joking. Charlie just and ran off (typical Charlie). About 15 minutes later I was getting ready to leave when Charlie came running in the kitchen having a serious meltdown. My niece, Kendall, was right on his heels. She was quick to inform us that he was playing with a bottle of SuperGlue. I heard it but was trying to calm him down, so I wasn't really listening to the whole story. In the bathroom, I finally deciphered what he was telling me and realized his "boogies hurt." I washed his nose off with a warm towel because we are still having trouble with the "blow out not suck in" thing. He wanted me to wipe his finger off, so we did, but he kept crying. "It bit my fingerrrrrr!" It hit me. He had gotten SuperGlue on his finger, then picked his nose. When it dried he thought the boogers had left a bite on the end of his finger and were still hurting his nose. Well, one would think I would have realized how funny this was, but after seeing my Nana about to lose it looking for the SuperGlue lid, and hearing my sister's horse laugh even louder than Charlie's cries, I didn't crack a smile. It wasn't until I got home and assessed the booger situation that I realized Dr. Baker would not need a night call. All of the glue reminants were external.

So, Charlie has a bit of glue crusted above his lip because he freaks if I touch it, but the "bite" wound on his finger washed away quite nicely in the bath. In the words of one of my wisest friends, "Hey, we can't all be mother of the year."

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