A Decade Ago
I'd like to say I have the memory of an elephant, of which I've heard are some smart cookies, but I don't. Ask me where my black flipflops are. Don't know. How much did I use the debit card for 15 minutes ago? No. Where's my wallet? Nada. HOWEVER, I am proud to say that I can recall 10 years ago clearly.
Dating :)
So many things I loved about my wedding day. Borrowing random, but important garmets from bridesmaids, my sister catching my mascara filled tears before they hit my dress, my Daddy's tears, my Mama's support when hateful people tried to ruin my reception with crazy facillity rules, but most of all I felt relief. It was the day. We started the ground work for a life I knew would be one of greatness. I won't go into the details, but I have so many. The day was rainy, but I'll never forget my Nana saying, "Well, hunny, everybody knows that rain on your wedding day means it will last forever."
Although young, I wasn't naive enough to think our road would be without bumps, but I was naive enough to not realize just what a strong man I was marrying. 10 years has seen changes in us both. Each day has made us a stronger team. I love him more than I tell him. Not on purpose of course, but just because our lives are filled with constant action :) I don't ever take him for granted. I know what I was given on June 28th, 2003. "Omnia vincit amor" Latin, "Love Conquers All." I learned this is a British Lit class. I thought it crap back then. 10 years has taught me just how sweetly true it is. If you have it, if you both REALLY have it, it's a treasure that leaves you richer than gold. He's my Valentine, everyday.
In a previous post, I feel like I said it best,
" I don't throw the word "love" at everyone I know. It's something earned, and not to be said lightly. That being said, I am thankful for "My Love." I am not someone who believes in fate. I believe in a divine plan. I am lucky that I found a best friend, and then made him marry me. Jamie and I didn't start out as most couples do. No one set us up. We never had an awkward first date. I never waited by the phone wondering if he would call. We were passed that before we even knew what was happening. We never had to learn the things we loved most about one another, or even the things that drove us crazy. We were friends-friends that fell in love. Looking back I can't believe how simple our love was. I can't help but think about the lines, "Some hearts they just get all the right breaks, some hearts have the stars on their side. Some hearts they just have it so easy, some hearts just get lucky sometimes" That was me. That was us. Did I deserve his friendship? Not really. Did I deserve his smile? Maybe not. Do I deserve the honorable man from a world full of spoiled and selfish boys? No. Do I deserve the tender heart that cuddles my babies and the serious look when they need to be taught right from wrong? Defiantly not. Do I deserve this man who carries his sons into a church and sits beside me in prayer? Well, I can say I am sure thankful I have him."