Giving Thanks
Before you read: the font colors hate me on this page, I did not make it this tacky
- Charlie's hums as he wakes up in the morning.
- Jamie's call when he hears about an accident and knows I am driving.
- The comfort of church.
- My Daddy's mustache when he kisses me.
- McDonald Thursdays in my car while Charlie sleeps and Casey is at dance class.
- Marissa and Meghan finding just the right time to call me a "Poopface"
- My mom's light hearted laugh when I am telling her about my breakdown.
- Towers of blocks I find long after Charlie goes to bed.
- Huey Lewis
- Visits to my Mid-Wife
- Myra's telephone calls
- Cheynie's smile
- My kitchen radio
- My sisters and brothers-in-law who feel like my own.
- Tiffany's ability to make any situation feel do-able.
- Dakota ALWAYS coming to my aid when I call
- Finding just the right verse in comfort in the Bible when I need it most.
- Wild baby movements in my belly when the house is dark and quiet.
- Mr. Norris who bags my groceries and always makes me feel like it was a pleasure to catch the items Charlie threw at him.
- Nana's sweets
- Casey's forehead kisses
- Movie night at home
- Friends who listen to me
lose it and then smile and say, "You crack me up!"
- George Strait and his ability to take me back 10 years with a few notes.
- chocolate milk
I am sooooo # 23 :)
aww i love you heather