We do not remember days; we remember moments.
Nothing can begin to sum up this year and all that it held. Some things went wonderfully, others not so great, but it has been an amazing year. We can't wait to welcome the new year and all that it will bring. Since there are no words to describe these memories, I have put together pictures. Of course they come in no sort of order, because that is just not my style. Enjoy :)

Charlie celebrates turning 1 with Curious George

Charlie on Election Day

Charlie's big boy bed!

Silly Kendall

4th of July Blast

Charlie's first hair cut

Playing in the leaves with Casey

Easter egg hunt with friends

Easter with my two handsome fellas

Our baby "B' is coming!!
Our Nana turns 80

Yay! Another boy!

Lincoln/Reagan Republican Picnic
4th of July Parade
Daddy's Father's Day picture

Beach fun
Charlie is so blessed to have you and Jamie as his parents. Sweet pictures.