Faith of a Child
Early this morning while I was being rooted out of the bed not only by my loving husband, but by Pie-Da-Man, and also by this wild ninja in my belly, I obviously wasn't getting much sleep. As uncomfortable as I am at these times, this seems to be the time when I find peace enough in my life to really talk to God.
I was laying there thinking about the visit at the doctor from that afternoon. Good news as always. Brady's heart was strong, his kicks were wild, and he was growing like he should. At every visit I am so thankful to have had Jamie and Charlie there. Charlie's job has been to push the button that turns on the heart doppler thingy, and he always...ALWAYS listens to the beats as my Mid-Wife, Heather, finds Brady's heart. Since early on Charlie has always known that it was his "Baby's Heart" that was beating. He has always seemed to truly understand this. Has he every seen this little guy he hears? No. Has he ever actually seen him laying in the bed we made for him? No. Is he able to see the little feet that kick him when he snuggles me? No. But somehow, in his precious little mind, Charlie has never, EVER doubted that all of those things are true. He has never questioned the idea that in this massive mound of a belly that his little head bumps into all the time, that his little brother is in there, and growing.
So as I am fending off kicks in the bed by Charlie's cold, little feet, I took time to thank the Lord for my day. I thanked him for all three of my boys, and I couldn't help but ask him to give me just a portion of the faith little Charlie has. I want to believe with all of my heart in the things I can't see, and I want to have the faith to be able to rest on the truths I have been told with no worry, no stress. Just as we have told Charlie of the things to come, and he took them never once wondering if they were true, I pray the Lord gives me the faith to take the things He has told me, and never question them, but have the faith of a child.