It's ok, I'm nine months pregnant...

Here is a growing list of times when it is perfectly ok to respond, "It's ok, I'm nine months pregnant."

1. Dreams about being kidnapped, but somehow still incorporating heartburn into that same nightmare

2. Crying when the Amazon chat help center is so nice to you

3. Dreaming you've been kicked in the stomach and waking up only to realize you've been kicked in the stomach

4. Seriously considering rear-ending someone just so you'll never have to read their bumper sticker anymore

5. Crying at the "Better Life" commercials

6. Crying again during every Duvall western you catch on AMC

7. Being proud when you put on your shoes without bracing yourself on the counter

8. Having a two year old poke your "jelly hole" and ask, "What's dat, mama?"......then answering, "I'm really not sure anyone, honey."

9. Making stupid college kids move their wine from the grocery belt so you can keep your buy one get one free Oreos from being crushed.

10. Sitting in the bathroom at 2 am trying to figure out a way to sleep in there because you know you'll be right back there in 20 minutes, so why bother getting up

11. Laughing out loud when you find the Zantac bottle

12. Resisting the urge to hug all those sweethearts that smile at you when they realize they aren't holding the door open wide enough for you to get through

.......more to come.

We are still on our countdown for Baby Brady. We have negative three days left :) However, we are so thankful he is healthy and growing. I know, he will be here in his own time, please don't tell me that like I am a ridiculous person who hasn't ever thought of that. Hey, that's my number 13....

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