National Coffee Day
- The powers of a man's mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks.
- ~Sir James Mackintosh
Blah blah antioxidants, blah blah reduces depression, blah blah.
All I have to say is here are the real reasons the world is glad I enjoy a cup of coffee every morning:
1. I brush my hair
2. I am able to smile when my neighbor speeds by my driveway and points at me hatefully to remind me NOT to pull out in front on him.
3. I can fight down Pie Da Man.
4. I am dressed before 8:00.
5. I am given the ability to nurse, tie a shoe, answer the phone, at the same time, while sitting on a tiny bathroom stool.
6. I think before speaking
7. I am able to competitively play hide and seek
8. I am able to swing "High as the clouds" with a sweaty little boy on my lap
9. I actually out talk that annoying lady calling with the political poll.
10. I am able to drink my coffee while carrying Baby B on my back and Pie Da Man on my front all the way from the mail box, and even stop to chat with my neighbor as she comes to make sure I am not going into cardiac arrest :)
Drink some Java today, it seriously makes the world brighter.
Our new swingset
Waiting for the truck to unload |
be getting their Christmas gift early, and it was a new and custom swingset! I was busting at the seams to talk about it with Charlie. Mom showed him the pictures in the magazine and he was so excited he carried it home and looked at it all night. I waited to tell Charlie the day they were coming until the delivery guy called and said he was in
With the delivery man |
(click here if you can't see the video)
Brady's Bites
I can't believe how time has flown. My chubby little man has been reaching for our plates long enough. Here is a video of his very first taste of cereal. (commentated by Charlie)
My Village
So....I've had this joke with some closer family and friends for a while now that I am seriously considering creating a village. My own, by invitation only.
If you've never seen the movie, The Village, by the odd, but interesting
M. Night Shyamalan, then you are missing out (** Attention: This blog contains serious movie spoilers, so if you intend to watch it maybe wait and read another time) I am pretty sure this movie is placed in the Horror genre, but isn't horrific at all.
In brief, then I will move on, the movie is about a village appearing to be in the 1800's. It is surrounded by very dense woods, these woods are inhabited by vicious and mysterious monsters (fictitious by the way). The members of the village never stray into these woods. The village is "governed" for lack of a better word, by a small group of elders. Lots of actions, turns, and holding of the breath true Shyamalan style, it turns out that these elders created this "Village" by purchasing a vast woodland within a wildlife preserve, building massive walls around it, bringing their very small children in and raising them to believe they can't venture out. They decided to make this village because those that they loved the most in their lives had been touched by violence and death. This is actually present day. These families have been touched by the horror and violence of this world, so together they found the solution was choosing people like themselves to create a world for their families free from these dangers, together, with those that love them. Click here to see a clip from the movie, or just watch below. Be sure to stop the music playing on the left side if you are hearing it play.
Anyway......really think about this. I mean, beyond the strange Hollywoodness. Could you imagine starting over? Taking those closest to you, those that you love the most, and running? Locking out the world, locking out everything else? Creating your own world? I know several of you think this is terrible. "Children not being able to see anything 'diverse.' Being brainwashed and forced to live a certain way. How narrow-minded. How awful," some of you would say. Maybe they are right, but me, well, I've been giving this idea thought. Of course this isn't possible in reality, but I do enjoy entertaining the idea.
If given this opportunity, would I do it? Perhaps. I can't help but joy in the idea of walking away from the stresses created by our society and culture and the "spiritual wickedness in high places" Ephesians 6:12. Of course more troubles would come along, I know this, but would it possibly be worth the sacrifices to protect my boys and the ones I love? There are so many worries and hurts touching my family that I just can't do anything about, but in this "Village" perhaps I could. I don't care what people say, 100 years ago times were better. Families loved harder. Faith grew stronger. Little things meant more.
Don't know. Just wanted to pose this idea. Gives me something to imagine while this world falls to pieces. Of course, I'd never be able to do this for real because Blogger would ultimately be banned from my Village, BUT if one day you notice that all of the normal people in my life are missing, well, they are probably harvesting crops in my Village :) Read more...
Let it Be
Posted recently by my very best friend. It sure helped me to read it, so I wanted to share.
So this world can't find a way to leave you cold
And know you're not the only ship out on the ocean
Save your strength for things that you can change
Forgive the ones you can't
You gotta let 'em go"
-Zac Brown Band
Where was I?
10 years ago I was sitting in the Peace and War classroom of one of the most honorable Veterans I've ever known. As the events unfolded I saw the solemn, but very defiant look on his face. He knew what this meant, and he recognized the hatred and danger behind these cowardly acts. He recognized acts of war. I was innocent and naive. I'd never been "at war." I'd live the spoiled life for 17 years, and had no idea what was in store. But he did. I also sat in this classroom with two boys who had signed with the Marines already. I saw the looks on their faces. They knew what was coming. Again, I was innocent and naive, and even then didn't realize how my world had been changed, and how many lives were changed in an instant. They did.
I've always considered myself a patriot. I was raised bleeding red, white, and blue, and because of men like Mr. Jones, I knew bits of the horrors of war, and I knew the necessity of them. Until 9/11/01, I had no idea these horrors could touch my land. Where was I 10 years ago? I was in a different time. Physically and at heart. I was carefree and confident. I was safe. 9/11 changed me, forever. I've watched the flashbacks, I've vowed to never forget, I've vowed to show my boys the frailty of peace. The one thing I will never, ever forget wasn't on 9/11, it was on the days after. I felt a unity that was greater than political views, greater than where you lived, greater than your accent, greater than the money you made, it was a unity of the brokenhearted, of Americans. I'll never forget feeling for the first time, like our country was united. This faded, but for a time I remember.
Today, and often on many other days, I will stop and thank the Lord for my country, those protecting it, my liberties, my safety. I'll pray for the comfort of those who are missing loved ones today and everyday.
Where was I? I suppose I was being changed. In one simple day I realized the horrible acts that mankind was capable of, but I also saw the unselfishness, love, and sacrifice my fellow countrymen held.

Irene vs The Wards

As a child Mom and Dad spent a lot of time building up our trips. Half of the fun was getting packed and getting there. Jamie and I are the same. We headed out at 4:30...yes....AM, and yes, I slept in my travel clothes and didn't open my make-up bag until the SC line. The boys were great, and Charlie's big boy undies held up! Thanks to my super-fab Mom, we took her Yukon. I packed light for us. We had an awesome trip down. The hotel room wasn't ready so we pulled out all the stops to keep Charlie entertained until it was ready. Of course that meant eating at IHOP :) Helped me with the wait too. I can honestly brag and say my boys did beautifully during travel. No meltdowns, no accidents. Lots of Buzz and Woody role playing. Wonderful.
Charlie spent most of the week at the pool. The hotel, Coral Resort, has awesome pools for kids. In his eyes there were three choices, 1. Big poo 2. Little poo 3. Yazy ribber (lazy) which also had a yittle yazy ribber (little pool beside it) Jamie was a trooper. He could hold out at the pools as long as Charlie. I was in and out and B and I were moving with the shade. Charlie loved the Aquarium. It was great. He saw lots of sharks. Charlie also cracked his very first crablegs. (click here if you can't see the video below, also, turn off the music to the left in the blue box)
I hope you'll enjoy looking at the slide show to see the details of our trip. I can't tell it all. I'd love to, but just not enough time. Just goes to show you, with a little determination and a while lotta sunscreen, hurricanes are simply no match for my family.
(if you are just receiving this in an e-mail, then you might enjoy it better directly from my Blog Page. Click HERE) Read more...