....results are in. Hurricanes stand no chance at ruining our fun. Jamie and I have looked forward to our trip to the beach all year. Charlie remembered the beach, so he was excited too. As the talk of Irene grew, so did Jamie's blood pressure. Long story short, our vacation consisted of many visits to www.weather.com and ultimately ended with perfect weather.
As a child Mom and Dad spent a lot of time building up our trips. Half of the fun was getting packed and getting there. Jamie and I are the same. We headed out at 4:30...yes....AM, and yes, I slept in my travel clothes and didn't open my make-up bag until the SC line. The boys were great, and Charlie's big boy undies held up! Thanks to my super-fab Mom, we took her Yukon. I packed light for us. We had an awesome trip down. The hotel room wasn't ready so we pulled out all the stops to keep Charlie entertained until it was ready. Of course that meant eating at IHOP :) Helped me with the wait too. I can honestly brag and say my boys did beautifully during travel. No meltdowns, no accidents. Lots of Buzz and Woody role playing. Wonderful.
Charlie spent most of the week at the pool. The hotel, Coral Resort, has awesome pools for kids. In his eyes there were three choices, 1. Big poo 2. Little poo 3. Yazy ribber (lazy) which also had a yittle yazy ribber (little pool beside it) Jamie was a trooper. He could hold out at the pools as long as Charlie. I was in and out and B and I were moving with the shade. Charlie loved the Aquarium. It was great. He saw lots of sharks. Charlie also cracked his very first crablegs. (click here if you can't see the video below, also, turn off the music to the left in the blue box)
Brady's favorite part of the trip I believe was snoozing in the sand. Every morning Jamie and I hit the beach by 9:00 (oh how things change) Brady would lay under the umbrella with his silky and drift to sleep.....EVERY day. Bless his heart. He is just the sweetest. He was not sure about the sand in his toes, but he smiled just the same. His first trip was great, other than sand in the crevices, poor chubby guy :( He enjoyed the aquarium, too. He just looked around and smiled at strangers. He did enjoy the bouncy hotel bed though (click here if you can't see the video below, also, turn off the music to the left in the blue box)
Jamie's favorite part, although I never asked, was the freedom. Our trip had nothing set in stone. We kinda wanted to do some things, but nothing serious. I loved watching him ask Charlie what he wanted to do next. Maybe the upstairs arcade, maybe the pool, maybe feeding the birds, maybe the yittle yazy ribber. No matter what, I saw the smile on Jamie's face. I loved it. He loved it. That's why I love him.
My favorite part, the food (AWESOME crablegs, BTW), but more than that it was shutting out the world. I loved stepping away from life and just for a week, being with my guys. Yes, I stay at home, no that does not shelter me from life and the worries of the world. I realized again just how blessed I am. We laughed and we all loved every minute of each other.
I hope you'll enjoy looking at the slide show to see the details of our trip. I can't tell it all. I'd love to, but just not enough time. Just goes to show you, with a little determination and a while lotta sunscreen, hurricanes are simply no match for my family.
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