While we were away at the beach my Mom texted me to tell me that the boys would
be getting their Christmas gift early, and it was a new and custom swingset! I was busting at the seams to talk about it with Charlie. Mom showed him the pictures in the magazine and he was so excited he carried it home and looked at it all night. I waited to tell Charlie the day they were coming until the delivery guy called and said he was in Deep Gap. He was so excited. Mom came over to help celebrate the arrival and I am glad because two hands weren't not enough to keep him away from the set-up. He was sure to grab his own tools and help. The smile on his face, literally, made me stop to catch my breath. These moments, this excitement, these memories, will last forever. Of course he did get a black eye within the hour. He was swinging wildly and smacked the pole with is eye. We moved the swing to the middle, and have avoided a repeat injury. Although this is a gift to our entire
With the delivery man
family, try explaining that to a two year old that thinks the yellow tent is a "Batcave." I am so thankful for this gift. It is so much more than a swingset.....it is the first of so many memories. (click here if you can't see the video)