Tough Questions

This week I was faced with a question. In true Charlie fashion, it stumped me. As a mother I think that I can confidently answer a question, or sometimes, when appropriate, weasel my way out until I can get some backup from Daddy. My plans don't always pan out. I try my best....

Charle: "Mama, I fank I know why Hootie doesn't like church."

Me: "Why?"

Charlie: "Cause Preacher Jerry was talking bout the Holy Ghost and that scared him."

Me: "Charlie, the Holy Ghost isn't scary. It isn't a ghost like you think. It is the Lord on earth. It helps us to feel what God wants us to do, or things we should not do."

Charlie: "Is it actually alive?"

Me: "It is." (not wanting him to think it was not real)

Charlie: "Well, where does it live."

Me: "The Bible tells us that it is everywhere, but it lives inside of us."

Charlie: "What???? Lives inside us!!?!?!"


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