'Bishin' "

On Saturday Jamie woke up and said, "Hey, let's take Charlie fishing." We've been making plans to for quite a while, but never actually went through with them. I was so excited, and because of Charlie's non-stop conversations in the car, I knew he was too. We loaded up and went to the Grandfather Mountain Trout Farm. I observed, babysat, and acted as a photographer. We had a great time. Charlie caught two, well, he tells everyone he caught one and Daddy caught the other. No matter what I loved the sitting back and watching them spend this special time together. Brady and I sweated a lot, but next time we go we will both get in on the action.
Click here if you can't see the video. Also, remember to pause the music on the left in the blue box if you hear it playing :)


Things that make me go "BLAH"

In light of the night I spent with Jamie and the boys in Lowes of Boone, this post comes directly from that little spark that ignites inside everyone occasionally. Stepping onto the soap box...

Things that make me go "Blah"
1. Boone Lowes Hardware and grouchy old men in the plumbing dept.

2. B.O. (both the under arm kind and the kind in the White House)

3. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of NC

4. Parents who allow 10 year olds to play in the Chic Fila playplace.

5. Gravel on little knees

6. The Kardashians (who are they and why are the famous??)

7. Non-English speakers getting paid to take "help" calls (ie. BellSouth, AT&T,....)

8. People calling my chubby little boy "fat"

9. Smokers in the car with children

10. Apathetic parenting

11. Driving by the new Humane Society and then reading about education cuts

12. My hair

13. "Accidents" in undies and slides

14. People from Florida waiting 15 minutes for a parking space and blocking traffic

15. Stepping on cooked macaroni

16. Dirty people touching baby's hands/face

17. Telemarketer calls during dinner

18. Troopers and Sunday mornings

19. Bees

20. General King Street attire

Whew...now that I got that off my chest. There are 20 reasons for you to think I am a terrible person. On a lighter note, please feel free to revisit this post to help rebuild your love for me.  Giving Thanks


Making our world Cheynie

This post is a bit early, but simply because the star will be out of commission for a while, and I wanted to make sure these birthday wishes were read.

15 years ago (from Saturday) the chubbiest little girl arrived into our family. My cousin, Cheyenne Jordan Hayler, by all guesses was going to be a boy, but thank goodness we were given a little tomboy that has grown into the most mature, beautiful, and thoughtful young lady that I know of. She's not the little flower girl from my wedding anymore, but she's all grown up. Everytime I force myself to travel into the crowds of public with my boys I can't help but find myself getting red in the face with sheer anger at some of the trash that is in our world. (I don't have to remind you that neither of my boys will get married, and if by chance they sneak a girlfriend into their lives, I WILL be that mother-in-law they've feared.)  I'm afraid I am this way because parents have focused

I love her even if she beats me at Corn-Hole
on raising their children to be a success in the eyes of pop-culture. Obviously this is reflected at the most inappropriate times, like the checkout lines when the F-bomb rings out of the mouth of some trashly mini-Gaga only feet away from Charlie's ears. Just when I think there is no hope for our youth, I remember.....my friends, I know someone who has no idea how beautiful they are on the outside because they are even more beautiful on the inside. This is someone who isn't beautiful because they are measured on the beauty scale of Hollywood society. I'm talking a natural
Cheynie and Charlie beginning their race
beauty. The timeless beauty, one from the old days with beautiful deep eyes and a flawless complexion coupled with true poise, you know, like from black and white movies. She's got a smile that is always a comfort to me. It's beautiful, but it means so much more. It means that times are rough, things aren't always smooth, you don't always have an easy road.....but there's no use to frown about it. I don't ever think about her without seeing her smile in my mind. She is wise beyond her years, and so humble that she would deny it.

As my little sister, Casey told me once, "Cheynie is everyone's best friend because she is so sweet." That was exactly right! I'd never thought about it, but it is so true. She IS everyone's best friend. Cheynie loves my boys like I do, and let me tell you, there aren't many of those people around. She celebrates their accomplishments with me, and tears up when she sees them hurt. I am not sure, because I've never seen her DNA bloodwork, but she quite possibly could be my other sister. Even if the genes aren't there, I'll settle for a cousin with a truly Cheynie Smile :)

Happy Birthday, "Hinny!" 
We sure do love you!
remember to pause the music on the left side in the blue box


Reece Family Blogs: Puppy Fun

Reece Family Blogs: Puppy Fun: "'A grownup is a child with layers on.' ~Woody Harrelson It's so easy to forget the simple things that thrill you as a child. Seeing the..."


Charlie's Friends

I'd like to take a minute to introduce you to some very important, but often unnoticed members of our family. I've added a brief explanation so that everyone will understand.

This is "Tad" otherwise known as, "Tag" by some unknowing adults. "Tad" is present every nap, every night, every trip to Dr. Baker's and certainly every early morning in the car. The blanket itself is useless, only the "Tad" is part of the family. I can't count the endless nights I have been summoned to Charlie's room to find "Tad" lost in the covers.

  This is "Pill Pill." A special Christmas gift from Nanny and Paw Jimmy, this friend can only be loved on my Charlie himself. No one, not even for a second, not even in the dark and dead of night, can lay their head on him.

 Here we have Rudy, named from the movie Ice Age
III.  A bit scary at times, but always the toughest dinosaur/animal in the basket. He brushes his teeth, and thanks to Rudy's wonderful hygiene habits, so does Charlie.

The newest member is the swift swimming, Goldie. Once this humble bowl held four Goldies, but now only one. Goldie is so loved that nothing adorns his bowl but the very best gravel hand picked from the driveway.

My very favorite friend in Charlie's room is Busterd. Yes, with a "d." He's been drug and thrown about every place imaginable, but still seems to find his way into my room every morning with "Tad." Busterd has a permanent boo boo on his foot from a horrible run in with a Sharpie :(

 Dun dun duuuuunnnnn.....the Super Heroes. Thanks to Grant, Nanny, and Ebay we have a fierce trio: Pie-Da-Man, The Boobie Man, and Batman/Pooperman (depends on the day) Pie-Da-Man wrecks everything neat and organized he finds in his tracks, The Boobie Man can "fight all the bad guys down," and Batman/Pooperman, well he can soar from unimagined heights. Nothing is too dangerous for him.

Watch out, this is Bad Guy, he fights and shoots anything in his path, especially Mom after she has scolded Charlie and then isn't looking.

Our house is full of characters, that is for sure. With two little boys in my house, I am sure I will have several updates to our household cast soon. Stay tuned.......


Our Precious Belly Laugh

And amid the chaos, if just for a moment, everything seemed right in the world....I love to hear my babies laugh.

Click here if you can't see the video


Racy Casey

Five years and about 38 weeks ago I remember clearly. I was on the phone with my Dad having some emotional breakdown that, looking back, was so insignificant that I haven't a clue what it was. My Dad said these words, "Well, I wanted to tell you Kathy is pregnant. Maybe that will  make your night better."

How could I have ever known that very soon I would be able to hold the sweetest little big eyed girl. Casey and I are unusual sissies I suppose. We don't pull hair or read each other's diaries, but we have something far more special. Casey added something to my life that I didn't even see was missing. Ten years ago I never would have guessed that I would be a big sister. I love it!

The other day she melted my heart. She said, "Sissy, you know what I want to be? I want to be a Mommy cause God gives them babies like you, and I love you."

Priceless. Tomorrow I plan on letting her do her own makeup, eat ice cream for breakfast, take her swimming, and above all, make her know just how much I love her.

Happy 5th Birthday to my little Sissy!


Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count: Meeting Baby Brady

Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count: Meeting Baby Brady: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"


He thinks he's just golfin'

On Saturday I was putting the house back together and getting ready for a cookout at my Nana's house. After re-cleaning the same room three times I think Jamie realized I wasn't getting anywhere. Jamie's work schedule has been different the past few weeks, and he hasn't been able to do the things with the boys like he's wanted to. On Saturday he proved to me once again what a wonderful father he is. I packed Charlie a bag with lots of juice and a change of clothes in case he refused to pee in the grass. I sent my big boys golfing. I never realized how wonderful it was to see my boys spending time together. I remember times like this from my childhood, so I know Charlie banked this memory away. The next Tiger Woods? Hopefully not, that guy's a nut job, but maybe a Mickelson. Doesn't really matter because they had fun making memories.

(click here if you can't see the video)


Brady is 2 months old.....and growing

Two months?!
 Yes, how did this happen? I have been wondering that this week. My little guy is two months already. Even though this past weekend was a whirlwind of fun, I had this horrible, nagging dread in my stomach because I knew what was coming....SHOTS :(
Jamie knows I can't emotionally handle seeing my babies hurt, so he came with me. I couldn't help but smile when I walked into Dr. Baker's office. The ladies there are so nice, and I can tell they love seeing us. When Nurse Heidi came and called Brady's name I cringed. I cracked some stupid jokes to lighten my mood. Heidi joked with the boys and, like always, understood my craziness.

She put Brady on the scales and she burst out laughing. After she belly-laughed and finally was able to catch her breath, she told us he weighs 17 pounds. Oh my goodness. Everyone tells me he's huge, but 17 pounds?? I love it. I secretly had a huge comfort flooding over me as I held my big boy with pride. I was so thankful he was healthy, and that I have been able to help him be that way.

Dr. Baker came in with his usual jolly smile. He made small talk with Charlie and laughed about his dinosaur collection. The checkup was great....until the needles came out. I'd have to say I did better this time than Charlie's first. Heidi didn't even have to wipe my mascara from his leg. Of course he cried....and of course I fed him. Jamie went to pay and take care of the next appointment with Charlie, and I took those few peaceful moments and held my little chunk and wiped his tears. Nothing in my life is more rewarding than motherhood. I will always remember the look on his chubby face as I snuggled him and watched his clutch his silky.

He was a little grouchy, but recovered well. I'm not only thankful for a healthy boy, but so thankful to Dr. Charles Baker and his entire office for reminding me once more that there are still people out there who care enough about my children to know them by name, and to know me well enough to pat my back in comfort as I walk out of the office. Another blessed day to be thankful for......


Ford of the Lie

"Ford of the Lie" is a direct quote from my niece, Kendall, when she was younger. Translated: "Forth of July." There is no way I could ever put into words the fun we had, especially after reading the story told by, Kendall.  Read it here.......http://areecefamily.blogspot.com/2011/07/fourth-of-july.html
Grant and Kendall
Here goes anyway....
Our July 4th weekend was full and fun. Chris, Marti, and Ivy came and stayed with us. Charlie and Ivy played and we just laughed a lot. Good times. On the actual 4th I loaded up my already ridiculously full car with swimming shorts, blankets, crocs, snacks, Marissa, and my boys and headed to the Banner Elk parade. 
(I'll have to add that I have been boycotting the parade in Boone since I witnessed the most unpatriotic and flat out disrespectful floats I believe I have ever seen. Blah on them and their unAmerican propaganda....anyway, off of my soapbox......)The weather was very hot, but I whipped out Jamie's massive golf umbrella and Brady slept in the shade while mom held Charlie in the stifling heat. He had a blast.
We followed the end of the parade to the park. Charlie played some putt putt and then it began to rain a little, then a little more. I knew the storm was getting worse, so Marissa and I weighed to options and decided to RUN and I mean SPRINT back to the Bayou parking lot to get Lee's truck and my car in order to save the kids from electricution. I left the boys with Mom and ran. As she fed "Pie Da Man" every smarty she could find, we ran for it. It was pure hail! After we got the kids in and threw our stuff in the bottom dropped out. Whew...it was rough on this older and still slightly overweight Mama.

We went back to my sister's and did a few rainy day crafts and refereed some matches.  My brother-in-law, Tommy, led the trip to see fireworks at Grandfather Golf course. They were BEAUTIFUL! Charlie kept saying, "That's my favorite!" Even Brady watched.
I drove home listening to my patriotic CD (thanks to my equally patriotic sister, Tiff) and watched the glow of fireworks in the sky. I took time to thank God for the day, my home, my family, and for my country. I hope I never take for granted how much God HAS blessed America. 

"Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." – Thomas Paine

I am thankful for those forefathers of our country who underwent "the fatigue of supporting" my freedoms.



Young Patriots

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." -- Ronald Reagan