He's my lobster

....for those few Americans who don't get my sense of humor, here's the explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKBovKaCUHQ&feature=related

Wiping my tears
It really seems like yesterday that I was walking around the church ready to open the doors when my Daddy reached over and kissed me, and my sister jumped to catch my mascara filled tears as they began hitting my dress. It wasn't yesterday, it was 8 years! There was no way that I had any idea how the Lord would bless my life. It seemed almost surreal after all of the wedding rush. With my closest friends by my side, my wedding day was perfect. No, it wasn't the rain, it wasn't the ridiculous amounts of bicycles of the roads, it wasn't the dress, the hair, or the flowers, it was my "lobster" that made my day perfect. 

Jamie and I have had a wonderful life together. I really have thought about that a lot as this week arrived. Today I was talking with one of my very best friends, Jesse. We began dating and then got married within months of one another. Today we spent a few minutes, and I do mean few due to our children :), talking about how blessed and thankful we are. 
Our engagement picture

I don't want to celebrate our wedding anniversary tomorrow. I want to celebrate the love and friendship that has grown for 8 years. I can't ever explain, especially in words, what these years have meant to me. We have so much fun together, and now we have 2 wild little boys to enjoy it with us. Tomorrow night I am looking forward to a special meal with three dinner dates. 

Happy Anniversary to my lobster...I'm going to celebrate you tomorrow, because you are the one who got the short end of the stick. I'm the lucky one, and I love you.

June 28, 2003


The Footsteps of a Man

As this week approached I have given a lot of thought about what it means to be called a "Daddy." I read numerous cheesy cards and walked passed those stupid "#1 Dad" shirts. Every year that come I never seem to be able to find the gift that truly tells the fathers in my life what they mean to not just me, but now my children.
I lived my entire childhood completely oblivious to the fact that not all children had a father like mine. As time passed and I talked to friends and overheard things, and I realized that I had something truly special. I never knew, as you've heard so many times, what I had until I was an adult and had children of my own. I have told the young women in my life over and over, "Never consider marrying a man unless he will love you like your Daddy." I know a lot of girls never had this kind of love and friendship in a father, but I did.  That is what I found in a husband. I've never worried about my family being taken care of because I know he loves us enough to make sure of it. I've never taken for granted the husband I have and the father that my children have, I KNOW what I've been given.
After I was married the children I was blessed with made me realize some very important things. Being a good....and I mean sincerely GOOD father is THE most admirable and awe-inspiring trait a man can have. I can say that I have seen these traits in my father AND my husband. I know the waters are muddy when it comes to the issue of family/spouse/children affection, but I have always felt like you can not have the love you should for anyone in your family or your life unless you have a true and unyielding love for your children.

So, today it hit me as I was sitting in road construction on 194 in Valle Crucis (aka "HyperTension Highway!!")  Nothing, nothing in my life is sweeter than seeing the arms of an overworked, sometimes under appreciated, unselfish, sacrificing, dedicated, faithful, and loving father reach down and hug his child. This is what I am thanking the Lord for this weekend. I am thankful for my Daddy's arms that always squeeze me tight no matter how tired they might be, and for the arms of my husband who are always open wide and ready to be jumped into regardless of how hard they've worked to give my family everything they need.

So what do I want to instill in my children? It is not where you end up in life or how large the strides were that got you there.....it is the roads that you took and left your footprints on that matters most. I will never have to worry, because my boys have some mighty large footsteps to fill.


So much alike....

Because of my serious lack of formatting skills, the pictures are Charlie first, then Brady. I couldn't help but catch myself taking the same pictures and then I was so shocked how much my boys look alike. More to come whenever I find the time ;)



Leche...it's what's for dinner

As a very proud breastfeeding mother, I answer every cry with a feeding....thus....the chubby cheeks seen below.


Reece Family Blogs: Things I Love About Nana's House

Reece Family Blogs: Things I Love About Nana's House: "I couldn't possibly count all the many things that I love about Nana's, so I've compiled a list of five. Since it is my birthday (still 29)..."


Pippy's Day

Today the world celebrates the fact that my sister, Tiffany, is older than me. Just kidding, only I celebrate that.

Today I celebrate a lifetime of memories that have been made with the very best friend a girl like me could ask for. Today I am thankful for the hours spent on horseback, the shaving cream fights, the booger house, the constant whines when mom and dad smoked, the hair cuts, the endless sports training camps where I wasn't allowed to be a quitter, the double dates with Jamie, the fourth of July celebrations, the constant conservative backup on GoBlueRidge, the money for the parking deck, the drives to class, the makeup borrows, the shoeswaps, my wedding, my babies, the good times, and even more importantly, I am thankful that I have had her for the bad times. Tiffany has never wavered, never failed to be there right when I needed her. I've never doubted that she loves me and my boys just as much as I do.
Today I am thankful to have a sister who has molded me, sometimes painfully, into exactly who I am. I am the solid conservative, the sister, the daughter, the Christian, the teacher, and the mother that I am today simply because I have had the best role model I could ever ask for.

I love you, Tiffany! Everyone celebrates your birthday today, but I celebrate the day the Lord gave me my very best friend. Enjoy your day, and never forget, I may look older but the calendar never lies. Happy Birthday, (in Charlie's words) Pippy!


Critter #2: "Turdul"

So.....the adventure continues. After a streak of not such good luck with our tadpole experiment (a special thanks to Marissa for trying to help save them) Uncle Dave came to the rescue. For the last few days the newest wildlife to grace Charlie's bedroom was "Turdul." No name because Charlie just argued that he was "Turdul." Charlie's Uncle Dave sacrificed his jog on the Greenway to bring us "Turdul." After a crash course in feeding him and the need for handwashing, Charlie and I took "Turdul" home with his perfectly constructed habitat. I was worried he wouldn't eat, so I kept his fresh veggies fresh, and his water clean. Well, he didn't eat. Believe it or not, he wouldn't even try the army men, sticky Popsicle wrapper, or Cheese-its given to him. After three days I faced the inevitable....he needed to be freed. For all of you PETA nuts (which I am pretty sure don't read my blogs anyway) I sat Charlie on my lap and prepared him. We labeled him with a pink "C" in flashy fingernail polish, took him outside, and........well, honestly we got sick of starring at him so we just left him in the grass. Hopefully "Turdul" is happy sporting his watermelon pink "C." More critters to come. Maybe the new critter will eat!

Remember to pause the music on the right if you are watching the video below. If you received this blog in an email, then just click HERE to go to the blog directly :)

