

Pillow and randomness

Hello from random blog world. I have been up a lot at night recently. The usual, worries and the yell for water for need for a snuggle. It is these times I do my best thinking and praying. This was a simple thing that hit me last night. Literally, 3AM, large feather pillow hit me. Hootie drags everything his little hands will hold to my bed when he crawls in it in the middle of the night. I just scoot over and make room for stuffed dinosaurs, horses, rice pillows, blankets, teddy bears and so on. Last night he brought the huge feather pillow from his bed. As I am laying with him snuggled just close enough to touch him but not breathe on him (that's the biggest Brady Ward pet peeve of all time) I notice the pillow protruding from its case. It's a blue and white stripped material with patches all over it. I begin to think back...far far back.... When I was in high school and did a lot of house switching, my Nana gave me one of her pillows. Not any pillow, but a piece of Heaven right under your head. It smells sweet and forms right to your head. This pillow was with me when I had my tonsils out (death!!!) when I had more surgeries, I remember sleeping on it the night I lost my baby, I slept on it the night I tumbled with contractions before Charlie's birth, the day I gave birth to him...and then Brady. I nursed both of my boys on it. Both of them slept on it right between me and Jamie when they came home from the hospital. I loved that pillow. When Brady started sleeping in his bed, well, for a few hours a night. I gave it to him, and it really has helped him sleep better. My Nana told me about this pillow once. It is filled with real rooster feathers. She made it herself when she married my grandfather. Every now and again I find one or two scattered on the floor from a battle of some sort. I smile every time and imagine what life was like when it was being stuffed into the case.

I'm a sentimental nut. My sister had tried to condition me, but I have accepted it and moved on. I am glad my sweet Hootie snuggles this pillow. I steal it away on occasion, but I love the memories it holds. Just wanted to write them down. My memory is filled up daily with new sweet memories. I just don't want any to be pushed out.


Here comes Fall

Here's a little glimpse of our Halloween/Fall hooplah preparations.

Jamie and I visited our friend's pumpkin patch this year. The fellas picked up every pumpkin twice before we convinced them to get one with a stem. Hindsight is 20/20 because I carved them WAY too early and some rotting occurred. Just glad I have boys, they liked poking the mush.

My sister, Tiff, sent over some "fun" Flarp incredients. We made it, it was fun, and I rid our house of it ASAP only to find that my Aunt Myra and Uncle Dave love us SOOOO much that they purchased more. Blog to follow with the proper uses and some improper ones too.

Our family is for sure super, so I ran with the requests of the boys this year.

I'm not a fan of this time of year, but I love seeing the boys smile, so I believe I can trudge through :)


The Wace is on

Picture messy Subaru, one cup of strong coffee, 2 lunchables (WITH cookies), a little Adele, a whole lotta cars, 1 mama, 2 boys, 15 woolly worms. Yes, this happened. Every year since Charlie has been with us, we have taken the boys to Banner Elk's Woolly Worm Fest. I don't have many talents, but handling over crowded and over excited festivals with grace might possibly be one of them. For weeks the boys gathered worms in their cage Paw Jimmy built for them. Of course Hootie just yelled for Charlie when he found one. He has serious phobias of hairy or squishy things. We sat in traffic for years. I ultimately ended up calling in a favor from an anonymous business owner in Banner Elk :) and got a rocking parking spot. We piled out, picked the most spunky worms, and headed to the race. It was wild and crazy, thus, I didn't have my camera, but we registered the Ward 2014 Worms: YODA and GEORGE. While we waited on my Aunt Susan and our cousins Emily and Jeff to arrive with their sweet Savanah, we snuggled on a hay bale right up front. After I accepted the fact that I really needed a belt and boogies were undoubtedly smeared all over my scarf, we settled in for the wait for our race. The boys soaked in the noise and excitement, and I just loved the fact that I had brought Nutella on a stick and was listening to the "Funky Cold Medina" blaring on speakers without guilt. The boys got grouchy and hateful, but in no way was I going to let this damper their day.
  Anyway. Yoda ran a fine race, but of course wimped out at the end. A sweetly dressed Savannah and Hootie raced George, and despite a while lotta cheering we think he feel asleep. As I always end up saying. This may seem so minor in the worlds of everyone else, however, these are the moments that I know have etched their way into the minds of two very special boys. I love the rush, I love the mess, I even kinda like the cold. What I loved the most about the day was spending it with family that is separated by distance and a Charlie and a Hootie who lost, didn't cry, and are already talking about next year's training tactics :) If you haven't been to the festival....brave it and go! Thanks to Susan, Emily, and Jeff for the pictures.