As this week approached I have given a lot of thought about what it means to be called a "Daddy." I read numerous cheesy cards and walked passed those stupid "#1 Dad" shirts. Every year that come I never seem to be able to find the gift that truly tells the fathers in my life what they mean to not just me, but now my children.
I lived my entire childhood completely oblivious to the fact that not all children had a father like mine. As time passed and I talked to friends and overheard things, and
I realized that I had something truly special. I never knew, as you've heard so many times, what I had until I was an adult and had children of my own. I have told the young women in my life over and over, "Never consider marrying a man unless he will love you like your Daddy." I know a lot of girls never had this kind of love and friendship in a father, but I did. That is what I found in a husband. I've never worried about my family being taken care of because I know he loves us enough to make sure of it. I've never taken for granted the husband I have and the father that my children have, I KNOW what I've been given.
After I was married the children I was blessed with made me realize some very important things. Being a good....and I mean sincerely GOOD father is THE most admirable and awe-inspiring trait a man can have. I can say that I have seen these traits in my father AND my husband. I know the waters are muddy when it comes to the issue of family/spouse/children affection, but I have always felt like you can not have the love you should for anyone in your family or your life unless you have a true and unyielding love for your children.
So, today it hit me as I was sitting in road construction on 194 in Valle Crucis (aka "HyperTension Highway!!") Nothing, nothing in my life is sweeter than seeing the arms of an overworked, sometimes under appreciated, unselfish, sacrificing, dedicated, faithful, and loving father reach down and hug his child. This is what I am thanking the Lord for this weekend. I am thankful for my Daddy's arms that always squeeze me tight no matter how tired they might be, and for the arms of my husband who are always open wide and ready to be jumped into regardless of how hard they've worked to give my family everything they need.
So what do I want to instill in my children? It is not where you end up in life or how large the strides were that got you is the roads that you took and left your footprints on that matters most. I will never have to worry, because my boys have some mighty large footsteps to fill.