Atch Dis!

Placing all modesty aside, Jamie and I are pretty funny people. No, not everyone laughs with us, but we've always done quite a bit of laughing with one another. It was not until just the other day that I realized two laughers will obviously produce one funny fella. I guess many of the situations that have cracked us up are one of those "you had to be there" times, but as I was writing in Charlie's journal last night I was laughing so hard I cried at the things I was writing that he's been doing.

Charlieism 1: "Atch Dis!" In true little boy style Charlie has realized that anything he can do to draw attention to his wildness always leads to laughs. Now while he is running wild like a banchie, he will suddenly stop dead in his tracks and say, "Atch Dis!" (Watch this) which is usually followed by a loud and somewhat dangerous trick.Here is a moment catch on tape as he jumped off the bed onto pillows on the floor. Due to the velocity of the jump, the picture quality is a bit poor.

Charlieism 2: "Mama, me" This is only used that times when he deams it appropriate. For example, I am putting on mascara and he wants to try it. Sometimes it is when Jamie is putting on deodorant and he wants to rub it all over his belly. Othertimes it is when I am clipping my nails, and he wants to "clip" them by inflicting pain like no other on my toes with the clippers. Mostly though, it is a precious moment, when we are in church and he jerks the hymn book from my hand so that he can belt out the word "DEJUS" (Jesus) in the highest soprano tone in the church.

Charlieism 3: "Peeeze, Mama, peeeeeze!" This only comes out when something has been spotted that will lead to chaos. Always in the line at Food Lion when he spots the Hershey Bars, thank you Daddy. Usually at night when he wants a pop-sickle or he just wants out of bed. I have to honestly say, I have never stuck it out to see what happens next. I mean he's saying "Please" for goodness sakes!

Charlieism 4: "Woah woah woah" This is a sound that can't be spelled. Apparently at some point I have used a hair clip to pretend to be a monster with teeth or something, so now anything that is clip-like, or can be squeezed open and closed is a "woah woah woah." He tends to like my hair straigtener, but the best one was on a recent trip to the ER (nothing major, just a freak out by two over protective parents) the nurse clipped the thing on his little finger to check something, I was about to cry thinking about actually sitting in the ER with him, and then he looked up at Jamie and said, "woah woah woah"

Charlieism 5: "Doe!!!!" Many exclamation marks because this one is serious. The "Doe" only comes out when he is A: doing something dangerous he doesn't want me to see B: Wants a toy all to himself C: Wants me to leave him alone to watch TV with Daddy D: When he wants to be leave him in his bed at night so he can pretend to be going to sleep, but really sneaks in to catch a little ESPN on TV

I can't even begin to tell you how much he makes us laugh. He's growing everyday, but I never imagined how quickly he would develop. I know there are so many more I have forgotten, but these were fresh on my mind today. One day when he is in the major leagues, I will remind him that I am still his Mama by retelling these to him.

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