Our Hootie Hoot

     For so long now Brady has been doing things, and I think, "Man, I really need to share that." He changes everyday. Literally. He's quite the character. My baby weighs 29 pounds and acts like he is 15. Here, in brief, is what life is like now in the world of Hootie:

LOVES the bath, and tries to pull his shirt off everytime he sees me go into the bathroom. He screams, "bass!!"

Answers you with a simple, "k." When you ask him to do something.

Dances all the time. Even to the sound of my whisk in a bowl.

Loves "goss" (golf)

Call everything in his sippy-cup, "Moooooore!"

When asked what his name is he answers, "oot"

When his Daddy is watching sports, he runs in and climbs on his lap and says, "Guys....bawls...." everytime.

Eats like a mad man and then finishes off any plates that are left. (no, I don't starve him)

Loves Curious George

His bestfriend is his teddybear, Russ

Cheats everytime we play "Don't Break the Ice"

Lives to take off the trash with his Daddy on Saturday mornings.

Shouts "Bee Bees!" (pee pees) and laughs out loud because he knows he shouldn't say it all the time, but he knows we all crack up anyway.

I vow, like always, to try to keep up with my growing and maturing boys. I'm so blessed. Couldn't ask for more, wouldn't settle for less.

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