Horse Clues

   April Fools Day brought a funny to my life that...well...wasn't a joke. I woke up to a couple horses in our yard. Just visiting from our neighbors. The boys laughed, and talked about it all day. When we took our trip down the driveway to the mailbox, Charlie and I were playing Scooby Doo. He loves that. I told him we needed to find clues to figure out where the "Horse Creature" has come from.

    He thinks, then says, "Yes. You are right. Keep an eye out for clues the Horse Creature has been here. tracks, they look like this (shows me with his hands) #2....terribly shookies like that (points to the pile in the driveway) and # 3....anybody who looks like they might have just been trampled! (stops and stared me right in the face)"  No smile. He was completely serious. I said, "Yep, that would be a pretty good sign."

I love that kid.

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