Much of a man

Tomorrow marks a day that should be represented everyday.

I am very blessed to have a wonderful father and a wonderful father to my children. In today's society I am reminded almost daily of the slowly fading and old fashioned label of a gentleman. I was raised by a strong, faithful, and hard loving man, and because of this I married a strong, faithful, and hard loving man.

The other day our Preacher was talking at church about how people used to measure men and say that they were, "Much of a man." I smiled. I immediately thought of the man by my side holding a squirmy little one year old and the man that stopped by my house that afternoon just to hug me and my boys. I don't give undue credit. I stopped that long ago. When I say it, I mean it. I am thankful to  be able to describe both fathers in my life as "Much of a man." I'll celebrate them tomorrow, but I hope that my love and admiration for both of them will show everyday.

Happy Father's Day, Jamie. Thanks for being the man that I want my children to be, and thanks for living the life I want them to follow behind. There is no one on this earth that I want more to wrestle and snuggle my boys.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy. Thanks for always being there and never letting me forget for even a second how much you love me and my family.

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