Just like this

   Today the boys and I made our way down the driveway to get the mail. On our way passed the barn where I have been storing my teaching things (yes, a barn) I remembered that I had a Fall box of decor. I drug them into the barn and brushed the cobwebs as we walked. The boys seemed to show only a minor interest at first. They were looking at my Dad's old motorcycle magazines stacked beside my boxes instead. I opened box and drug out just a few little plastic pumpkin things, and it was on. They both moved basically on top of me and starting digging. Charlie drug out a tacky Halloween table cloth and yelled, "Hey Mama, we really need dis sheet wif bats on it!" Brady was babbling some excitement too. Item after item I was more surprised because I had forgotten about so many things. I stood up to rake the dust off of my pants, and looked down at my boys. They were rummaging through junk. Silly Dollar Store decorations that 9 out of 10 of my family members would have trashed the minute they saw them, but these little guys were living it up. Loving every item just as much as I did when I bought it. I took a picture in my mind. "Just like this, just like this" I hope they can stay just like this. I love them being little and messy, but that wasn't what I was thinking. I meant, I hope they never lose their love for the little things, their excitement over the little, simple joys.
  We brought back our treasures and decorated with care. They did manage to agree to let me wait on hanging the glittery "Happy Halloween" banner until later. This afternoon I can say that I felt proud. I fail often, there are things daily I need to change, but one thing I like about my life is that I really try to keep perspective. I'm not blind to the big issues around us. I fret too. I pray too. I get angry too, but I am glad that I have shared the simple joys of hoarding with my boys. It's the little things....and I hope they stay just like this.

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