I will fight you down!

So, I came into this game of motherhood knowing that coaching boys is a different ballgame all together. Charlie has really started to get interested in Superheroes, flying, and bad guys/good guys. In his eyes a good guy/bad guy battle ends when one of them "fights the other one down" That being said....Charlie has started telling me when something makes him mad or annoys him that he will "Fight him down." Below is the list, that I am sure will grow, of all the things Charlie will "fight down":

1. bees

2. the door on the dishwasher that he has trouble opening
3. my shave gel bottle
4. the sun shining in his eyes in the car
5. bears he sees out the car window, not sure how I keep missing them though
6. the horse that sticks its head out of the fence as our car drives by
7. his wooden alligator that I keep just out of his reach
8. the buckle on Brady's bouncy seat

....and of course several bad guys with the super power of invisibility. I can't think of them all now, but I am sure there are more.

Note: I am sure those of you who have actually been "fought down" by Charlie will NOT think this blog is funny. I just hope it might lighten the mood of defeat.

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