Healthy Hoarding: 1

In an effort to defend my life of hoarding, not trash mind you, but sentiments, I am starting to list the reasons as to why hoarding can be healthy.

If you know me, and all of you do because 5 people read my blog and 3 use the same driveway, you will know I am a sappy and sometimes a sensitive person. Well, recently I was having a "feel sorry for myself" afternoon. I was cleaning the office area in the house when I found my box of cards. For years....and I mean YEARS I have hoarded away special cards given to me. Those with messages that comforted me, made me laugh, or just reminded me that I am loved. I looked through them. Of course I cried. Some signatures are of those that have passed away, some are of those that have drifted away, but most are those people I talk to almost everyday. It was so nice reading those words. So, in the advice of a Sentimental Hoarder......keep those special cards because they might help you through a "feel sorry for yourself" afternoon.  :)

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